
Photo Review of My Week

Welcome to March!  Will it be lucky?  Do you have a lucky shirt?  Truth:  I snapped a photo of the shirt, but did not purchase it.
Sunday was a beautiful day, so I went for a walk around the barn yard.  Thought I would snap a photo of the 'baby daddy' to share.  This is Tall Tom ...the father of our one little growing turkey. While out on my stroll around the farm...
I ran into this big feller.  Levi is always up for a talk and a treat.
Finally got around to checking out 32 degrees.  New to our town and my first visit to a yogurt bar.  The place was so crowded we ate our treat in the car.  Yummy!  I see another date night in my near future.
Love when I get a haircut.  Back to Sassy me style. ;-)
Everything except my socks, necklace and homemade flower pin was purchased at a thrift store.  To see the full outfit, plus 5 other thrifty fashions; check out my weekly wear post.
We celebrated National Pancake Day.  Hey, this Mom loved the easy supper!  The reason we didn't have pancakes for breakfast?  Because round here, it's a mad dash out the door and we are lucky everyone escapes the farm wearing a matching pair of shoes!  Bear gets to eat breakfast at 'school'.  I wonder if he had pancakes twice that day?  If so, he didn't mind...they are his favorite.
Country roads, take me home...every day.
Current local gas prices.  My tiny car is sucking up more of my paycheck pennies with every increase.
Still loving InstaGram!  It's my quick fix throughout the day.  Finding new photogs to follow.
You can find me @sherri9
Happy Friday!  Welcome to March!
What are you doing this weekend?
life rearranged

1 comment:

  1. Levi is lovely. I enjoy seeing your animal friends. Have a fantastic weekend!


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