
What's for Dinner? Menu Plan 3.4.12

When I sat down yesterday to plan this week's dinner menu out I found it came a lot easier than last week's planning.  For those of you contemplating menu plans, starting and sticking with it, even when you are feeling uninspired, makes it easier.  Take it from me, one who does it weekly.  I planned yesterday, then headed out to the grocery store.  Now I am stocked up for the week!  Here is what we are having  for dinner this week down on the farm:
Last night, Saturday, we had Broccoli Fettuccine Alfredo with garlic bread.  Simple, easy.
Sunday - Lemon Chicken (new recipe for us),  with leftover Broccoli Fettuccine Alfred
Monday - Baked Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans and cornbread
Tuesday - Clean out the frig  (I have a huge event at work this day, so I planned no cooking).
Wednesday - Sloppy Joes, with baked beans and fries
Thursday - Breakfast:  biscuits, scrambled eggs and sausage
Friday - Pizza
Is meal planning easy or hard for you?
Linking in with:  Organizing Junkie

1 comment:

  1. I have been a meal planner for years, but, I don't do it by day. I just plan 5 meals for every grocery shopping tirp, and the leftovers tend to fill in the other two days of the week (or more.) For me, having a day attached to the meal is too confining, because things always seem to happen to throw a wrench in the works! But I totally believe in not even walking into a grocery store unless I'm going to get enough for a week of dinners!


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