It has also been a busy month with life and new farm adventures!
Here is a quick review:
It has been many years since I have had to make and send Valentines to Elementary school. Bear had fun with my old scrapbook supplies and some brand new construction paper making family cards. My daughter, Leah, would tell you that I never allowed her to play with my punches. Funny how different my parenting skills are with 26 years "experience". ;-)
There have been several additions to our little farm -
A bottle fed calf, we've named ButterCup. She is a full size jersey. Did I mention you have to feed her a bottle twice a day? Um, yeah.
There are also four rabbits...
This is BuckaLoo meeting Max. BuckaLoo is really BIG! He also has three girlfriends, one of which we named iHop. Get it? Yeah, we are silly sometimes. We expect BuckaLoo to produce us Easter Cadberry eggs, like on TV. I'm not getting my hopes up. However, the man that sold them to us told us a week after that BuckaLoo had broken out of his cage and was found courting the ladies the week before. So we will probably have baby bunnies here soon. Wish it would have been in time to sell them for Easter!
Since February is the month of love, and Buckaloo got his lovings, we decided to hook Rosie up with a steady boyfriend.
Sultan is a registered mini jersey bull and he traveled from Colorado just to meet the cow of his dreams. They plan to settle down right here in Georgia on the farm. He is full of personality and isn't intimidated one bit by his much taller girlfriend.
Thanks to all the wonderful rain, it's muddy and messy around the barn. We figured we might as well take our Saturday bath a bit early. The Farmer tried making up old fashioned lye soap this month.
Since this was our first run, I am waiting to see how well it works. If it cleans, then I may put together a little tutorial for the rest of you folks. Cause I know all the snow and rain have left things messy in other parts of the country too. Time for Spring Cleaning soon!
The Farm has become a clearing house of sorts for animals, seems we have some shared baby chicks in the barn. We 'babysat' 400 ducks a few nights and now there are 3 dwarf goats looking for another home.
That's it for this month, bring on March. We are ready for spring!