Thrifty Gift for Anyone on Your List

I love making neat gifts for the people on my list: family, friends and co-workers.
These would also be a great little gift for a teacher, pastor and teens.
I employ student assistants in my office at the University. And each received...
Book 'thongs' (or bookmarks).
This nifty gift is usable, thrifty, easy, quick and you can make it to match personalities.
Here is what you need to whip out one for any reader on your list:
A book - to measure the length.
Psst - I ended up not needing to use the needles
Waxed Linen cord ($1.99 from Hobby Lobby)
Beads (tube and other assorted sizes)
A charm (for each book thong: pick one to match the person)
I also plan to use a few sea shells on the bottom of mine, in place of charms.
Clear nail polish
First - measure the cord in a book, leaving extra to thread your beads and for knots to hold the beads in place, along with the charm on the end.
2.  Tie your selected charm on the end of the cord.
3. 'Seal' the knot with your clear nail polish.
4. Add assorted beads.
5. Tie a knot at the top of this beaded line to hold the beads in place.
6. Nail polish the knot.
7.  Add more beads to the other end of the cord.
8.  Tie a knot under the beads to hold at the 'top' part of the cord.  Don't forget to measure this section in your book.
9. Nail polish the knot and cut off excess cord.
Seriously it's really easy and they are fast to make!
Pair with a new book, gift card to a bookstore or do what I did for my students;
insert them in a Christmas card with a personal message.
I used wooden beads on the guy gifts.  A bit more 'manly'.
What homemade gifts are you making this year?
Linking in to various crafty blog parties this week, see the links in my blog party tab at the top of my page.


  1. That looks like the perfect gift for student assistants!

  2. Love these. I love bookmarks..using them or making them..LOL!! Thank you for sharing this awesome "How to".


  3. What a cute and simple idea! Love!

  4. What a lovely idea! I never heard of a book 'thong' but it sure looks great. I am sure you made many people happy with these.

  5. These are so cute and something even my sixyear old can make. It will certainly go in the giftidea list for next year. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Love the book mark and the book :) I've added it to the M&T Spotlight!

  7. These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!


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