
What's for Supper? Week of 4.2.12

Quick post for my menu this week.  We are having temps near 90 this week!  Craziness for the first of April.  I kept that in mind while building the menu plan; so I wouldn't be heating up the house with a hot oven.  Pretty simple week with one roll over meal that we didn't get to last week.
Monday - Apple Ham Paninis with fresh fruit/yogurt mix  (roll over meal0
Tuesday - Homemade Honey Fruit Chicken Salad  with sliced cantaloupe and crackers
Wednesday - Breakfast - Biscuits, scrambled eggs and cantaloupe
Thursday - Crock pot baked potatoes with steamed broccoli 
Friday - Tacos with black beans (maybe?)
What's for supper at your house this week?
I would LOVE for you to leave a comment with your menu.  Or even what is for supper tonight.  I need the ideas.  Ha!  For other ideas, visit Organizing Junkie's Monday Menu Plan link up with 100's of links.

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Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~