
Life via InstaGram {iPhone pics}

Happy Good Friday!  It's almost Easter and my photos this week reflect the season.
A bit of Spring fashion inspiration via walking through a retail store.  Yep, sometimes I take a peek at fashion trends in retail, so I know what to look for in my local Goodwill.
It's also the time of year to move winter clothes into storage and bring out the summer items.  I spent part of last weekend doing that.  The picture only shows half of Bears clothes!  We were blessed with tons of hand-me-downs from my cousin.  
Meet Max.  Our rescued resident 'fat' cat.  Do all cats love boxes?!  This is a paper box from my office.
He fills it UP.
Pop of spring color here!  I finally wore this funky necklace to work this past week.  I've had it for months and tried it with several outfits, only to change my mind.  Why yes, that blouse is from Goodwill. ;-)
Since I ran out of time to show you all bunches of photos of my 'cheap' Easter mantel decor, here's one via InstaGram.  The huge tin birdie, I picked up at the Dollar General a few years back.  The tiny wire basket is a Goodwill score full of fake eggs.
Speaking of fake eggs.  Bear is having an Easter Party/Egg Hunt today at daycare.  They requested eggs stuffed with prizes.  Aren't the little Dollar Tree car eggs adorable?!  Bear LOVES them.
Our Easter weekend will be a busy one.  On Sunday, my family will get together for a family lunch and afternoon egg hunt for the little ones.  The little ones include Bear's sisters and my great-niece.  Should be fun!
life rearranged
What are your Easter plans? 


  1. Cute colorful necklace, Sherri! I love your Easter decor items too.

  2. I love your Easter mantel - that little wire basket was a fun little goodwill score!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. It's always nice to clear the closet and bring in the next seasons things. I normally discover things I forgot I had. The car eggs are just adorable. And Yes I think all cats love boxes:)
    Have a wonderful Easter

  4. Here you go, proof that all cats love boxes :)

    My fat cat (his nickname is Lard) looks soooo muc h like yours!


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