
My InstaGram Life

Welcome to the Friday edition where I share some of my weekly Instagram photos from my iPhone.  It's also a fun little peek into my life via photos.  
Last Friday had me wearing RED, plus an entire thrifted outfit, even that bracelet was a thrift find.
If you want to see all my cheap clothes (for work and fun) from the week, click HERE.
The beautiful ring contains my grandmother's diamond, my only ever 'inheritance'.  Speaking of diamonds and the color red.  Valentine's is next week!  Need a few BUDGET Valentine Date ideas?  I posted a list this week of ideas.  Read them HERE.
Bear really enjoyed playing in his new tent (purchased on clearance).
Hours of adventures and imagination fun!
This wild cookie 'monster' was a surprise for Bear from his Aunt 'Bess'
Sunday was warm and beautiful!  Bear enjoyed a bit of swinging during his friend's birthday party.
This weather has spoiled us in Georgia lately.  Winter is scheduled to arrive back this weekend with lows in the 20's.  Brrrrrrr!
Are you my Mommy? said the baby chick.  We have two sets of hatch-lings and this is one from the latest hatch.
Life on a farm.  The cows belong to the neighbors across the street.  Bear and I stop to Moooo to them on the drive home occasionally.  Cheap country entertainment. ;-) 
I passed up these ADORABLE  Madden Girl shoes at the Goodwill this week.  Only $4 and a perfect fit too.  I hear you all sighing now!  My old feet can't handle the heels though.  Apparently someone else's feet couldn't either, because they appeared to be like new.
What kind of week did you have??!
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. :-)
You can find me on InstaGram under Sherri9.  Linking up with:
life rearranged


  1. That cookie monster is seriously adorable! :)

  2. love the cookie...almost to good to eat.

  3. um, those shoes? i love them! clearly i need to start hitting up goodwill just for the shoes...

  4. that cookie looks a.mazing. great price on the shoes, but i would've passed, too. can't do heels with my walking skillz....
    happy friday to you!

  5. Great thrift store finds, Sherri. Love the ring too. Cows are so cute. I used to walk my dog in the country around our cottage and the cows would gather at the fence to stare at my dog.

  6. I want the choose AND that cookie ;)

  7. I love the cookie monster, and the shoes, and the chick! :)

  8. Love that monster cookie! So cute!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~