
Homemade Cake Plate and Cake!

If you've read any of my posts you know I love my Goodwill, thrifty, junk, yard sale finds.  Plus you've found out this gal is recently hooked on spray paint.  It's addicting!  Wonder if I said, "I'm addicted to spray paint" while checking out 4 cans at Hobby Lobby, they would worry about me?  ;-)

My latest little project began with a find at the Goodwill several months ago.  This little ceramic pedestal.

It's 'cute' but just not anything I would use, even though I love tulips.
I've been looking for a cake stand everywhere.  Never finding just what I wanted for this frugal gals price.  Last weekend I had an 'ah ha' moment, grabbed this little baby and gave her a new coat of Antique White spray.

Much better!
Take one large free platter from my mom (it was free to her too) and Voila!

"New" cake pedestal plate for $1.30
The bottom rim of the plate sits perfectly atop the pedestal!
No, I haven't glued it down, yet.  Trying to decide if I want to attach it permanently.

What's a new cake plate without a cake?
So let's whip one up.

This is a new recipe for me.  It's called Gram's Best Brown Sugar Cake from Kraft Foods.
The recipe link is HERE.
I opted not to put the powdered sugar on top of mine.
Teen daughter and I had a piece tonight right AFTER I made the photos.
Easy cake recipe ~ Simply DEEEE Lish!

I'm linking in to a few blog parties!  Be sure to check each one of them out for thrifty treasure finds and great food recipe inspirations.

******NOTE regarding COMMENTS:  If you have the drop down Blogger profile selection in your comments (I think it's the new one); it will NOT allow me to leave comments.  I've tried from 2 different computers.  So if someone knows of a solution or a button I need to click to change a setting...Please let me know!


  1. Sherri, that is a darling cake plate, and I love that bundt cake... it looks SO good. I wish I had a piece right now.

    Happy Foodie Friday...


    Sheila :-)

  2. Great job with the cake stand...

    Your cake looks delish too!

  3. Good idea with the paint and the cake looks wonderful. I decided to start my blog after the luncheon we both went to in February. If you come to Atlanta let me know as I would meet you for lunch.

  4. Hi Sherri,
    My first visit here. Great idea to paint it and add the plate on top.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Living it up at Lakewood,

  5. Love the cake plate and the cake! Thanks for sharing them with us! BTW I love the barn photo!

  6. What a fabulous solution for that cake pedestal. The cake looks really great on it. Thanks for linking up to What Did You Bake Today with a wonderful recipe.

  7. Oh that cake looks delicious! And I love your frugal find!

  8. Love the cakestand. Super idea and the cake looks fabulous. Hugs, Marty

  9. Is it washable? It looks wonderful, but I'm wondering how you got paint to adhere to glass. The cake looks delicious. Have a great day.

  10. I love your cake plate. Your cake look GREAT!!! on it. What a wonderful way to display the two. THANKS!!! Geri

  11. I too love cake plates and pedestals for all kinds of things. Don't you just want to hoot and hollar when you find just a great item at the thrift store. I am actually working on a decorative cake plate for next weeks posting for a Halloween stand. I have been thinking all week about it! hahaha.
    Loved your post!

  12. Every time I see a bundt cake I think of the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"...LOL!

  13. Yummy cake and pretty cake pedestals!..Christine

  14. Great transformation! I've seen some cute cake plates made this way. The options are endless. What kind of paint exactly did you use?

  15. Great transformation! I've seen some cute cake plates made this way. The options are endless. What kind of paint exactly did you use?


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~