
Menu Planning Saves $$$

I'm in my 4th week of menu planning with drastic results in my grocery bill. In fact the total amount of my weekly run to the big box store has been cut in half!  This weeks total spent on groceries is $52.68.  I am totally excited! Can ya tell?  Plus menu planning has saved me time. I make a grocery list based on the weekly menu (after I've checked the cabinets,frig and freezer).  Everything I need for a meal is readily available, no extra trips to the store during the week.  It's also cut down my time in the store.  I zip right through getting just what is on my list.  No more ...uh, do I have ketchup? and bringing home extra! 

Ok, so you are thinking, "But Sherri, I don't have the time to plan menus".  I didn't think I would either!  It's getting easier.  I worked up a master list of easy, good meals we love.  I use that for ideas, plus I am finding tons of tasty meals off blogs I follow and input from the TONS of menus posted weekly at I'm an Organizing Junkie. I would estimate it takes me about 30 minutes.  I bookmark recipes I like, that are easy and I want to work into my plan.  Working up my menu from Sunday to Saturday.  Usually I plan next weeks menu on Friday evening or Saturday morning while sipping coffee.  That way I can shop sometime over the weekend.  I'm NOT a fan of grocery shopping after working all day.  This is JUST what works for me.  If you have time saving ideas and money saving tips, Please leave me a comment. 

Here is my weekly menu with recipe links!
Pinto beans with pork (crock pot) and cornbread ~ shown above
Leftover pintos, cornbread, plus mac n cheese
Salmon patties, biscuits, english peas and cream potatoes
Canadian bacon/pineapple Pizza 'pockets'  and salad
Roast (found on sale), potatoes cooked in crock pot with rolls
Leftover roast, potatoes, plus baked apples
Lasagna Roll ups , salad and garlic bread
Strawberry bread (for snacks)
Fried Rice (just in case we want to switch up meals)

Be sure to check out I'm an Organizing Junkie on Monday for her weekly menu plan link up.  There are over 400 participating!


  1. Planning is where it is. I use a google calendar where I have a separate meals calendar. It is easy to copy & paste the ingredients and directions in the description, then it rotates by weeks and can send me a email a day or so before!

  2. That's a good-lookin' cornbread!

  3. I have salmon patties on my menu this week too! I post my menu plans at my Motivation Station blog. Thanks for visiting my Monday Munchies post at The Krazy Kitchen too! :-)


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~