
Breakfast in Bed

These rainy mornings in Georgia have me wanting to just stay in bed!  Thunder, lightening and rain by the buckets this morning made it very hard to crawl out from under my comforter and head to the office.  So for today's Tablescape Thursday over at Between Naps on the Porch, it's a pretend I really stayed in bed day with a faux 'tablescape'.

Remember the $3 tray I picked up from this past weekends city yard sale?
Here she is for breakfast.

I have grand plans for my bedroom makeover.  Rich green walls and maybe a new duvet cover.
The pillows are all thrifty finds, as I build my stash. Oh and you may notice how flat looking my sleeping pillows appear.  That is not an illusion, no need to adjust your computer screen.  I have actually been teased by friends that I sleep on 'pancake' pillows.  I'm not a huge fluffy pillow gal.
  The beautiful chocolate one with green stitching came to me recently from one of my old high school teacher's yard sale .

One of my lovely Goodwill dishes, the white dessert plate and a white coffee cup with gold trim (Ross).
The dark chocolate napkin with my pale yellow new napkin ring (Walmart).
A Dollar Tree pumpkin for cuteness and candle from shopping the house, just in case the storm knocks the power off.

I'm really just a simple southern gal.
Saturday morning this little faux table will have piping hot coffee and fresh muffins,
just for me!

Be sure to stop by Between Naps on the Porch for numerous real tablescape ideas!

Isn't breakfast in bed one of life's finer things?
For other fine things, check out Finer Things Friday at The Finer Things in Life


  1. Breakfast in bed is always a great idea. Hope you enjoy your Saturday morning!

  2. I want someone to serve me that beautiful tray tomorrow morning, Sherri. It will be a delight to start the day...Christine

  3. Ohhhh I LOVE the idea of breakfast in bed on a rainy weekend morning. You may have just inspired SSG because in Oregon we um ... have A LOT of rainy mornings ; )

  4. Sherri, there's nothing quite like breakfast in bed! I haven't had it in forever ... but I tell you, I could have it everyday and it wouldn't get old! LOL! I'm having a giveaway worth $175 you're GOING TO LOVE LOVE LOVE! Please stop by soon - it ends quick! Thanks for sharing, and inspiring! :)

  5. Sherri looks relaxing simple is great for me too! thanks for sharing and have a lovely evening.

  6. The only thing better than breakfast in bed on a rainy day -- would be having someone make it and bring it to you! Love your tray.

  7. Very pretty! Now, please tell me you aren't going to be making your own breakfast...

  8. Lovely breakfast. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Beautiful colors. Sounds divine, breakfast in bed... I just wish Southern Calif. would get some of your rain. :)

  10. That is such a pretty breakfast in bed! What a great way to start the day!


  11. What a great tray. I like the color combination for your breakfast in bed!!

  12. Hi Sherri! Oh, I love this tray and what better way to enjoy it thank breakfast in bed! So pretty.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. I don't remember the last time I had breakfast in bed! I think my husband needs a fridge note!

  14. Hey, you don't need the tray can send it to me--Gorgeous. I like the yellow of the napkin ring with the brown napkin--cool.

  15. To be pampered with breakfast in bed is so nice. This would be wonderful.

  16. Breakfast in bed...what a special treat for a special lady! Enjoy yourself and enjoy your day! Thanks for sharing...your "table" is so warm and relaxing!

  17. That's simply lovely! And I love a good breakfast in bed-- both receiving it and providing it too. :)

  18. Lovely! I had breakfast in my bedroom today, looking out the window at the mountains.

  19. Nice! Now if only I could get breakfast in bed!

  20. Beautiful tablescape. And you're right. Breakfast in bed is definitely a Finer Thing!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~