
Fab Cheap Fashion

I've always been a clearance rack clothing junkie.  Friends are astonished when I walk in a store and find the mark downs in 10 seconds flat!  My children were dressed in red line savings outfits their entire lives.  However, I have nothing on Miss Frugal Fashionista herself - Jen over at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam.  She IS the Queen of fabulous cheap designer outfits.  You won't believe the classy sassy outfit she put together for $7.50.  She is holding a frugal fashion show and here are a few of my latest finds:

Horrible photo I know!  I was sickly this week and had a horrifying hair it's October...the spooky month; I cut off my head! ;-)   Check out the JACKET.  A Goodwill find.  Ralph Lauren ladies!  Perfect for my office.  And for $5.99 name brand clothing....I'll take it!  I already had the cream turtle neck and gray (yes they are darker in the picture) slacks to match.

In case you missed my HIP and stylish recent yard sale it is again:

Found this baby, vest not the bird, at a yard sale for 50 cents.  Wearing it to work today with the same jeans (Ross $10.99) and an Old Navy shirt (not shown) purchased at my consignment shop's recent 50% off sale for $2.00.

Tonight I stopped in the local Goodwill store and scored 4 clothing items: 2 shirts for a friend 50% off tagged for a total of $3.99 for both! A yellow Fox brand hoodie for my daughter for $4.49, similar to this one:

And let's not leave out the guys!  This jacket is going to my niece's fiance to be used as a work coat:

Check out that label ~

Carhart!  $8.99, Goodwill too.
Can you believe that?!

***Edited to add this LL Bean vest found today (Sat. 10/24) at my local Salvation Army for $2.49!

Do you want some ideas and hints on shopping thrifty, yet looking like a million bucks?  Do you believe you can dress at yard sale prices in name brand clothing?  You can!  Find out the secret to frugal fashions from the guru herself  and a bunch of her pals over at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam's October Frugal Fashionista Fashion Show.


  1. I LOVE that vest!! How sweet it is! And clothing for work for you and the fiance of your niece! Too bad you couldn't get the bird, too. ;) Thanks for sharing all this with us!

  2. Love all the clothes you found! It is so great to find such wonderful pieces at such terrific prices.

  3. Yea - so glad you joined in on the fun. I was counting on you. :)

  4. Great scores!

    I am always finding great brand names and styles for teens at mine too. I have younger teen siblings who appreciate the cheap cheap Hollister and American Eagle.


  5. Great deal on the Carharts! Love your outfits too!

  6. Love the RL jacket and the vest! What a great deal on the Carhart, too!

  7. Lookin' Great! and great finds...especially fond of the Fox hoodie and the Carhart :)

  8. Great finds -- I don't usually take the time to look at clothes in thrift stores, but I should!


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