
What the heck is a Vignette?

A vignette [vin‐yet] is a fancy smancy name used by home decor folks to describe a way of grouping items together.  A vignette is a small picture. By definition, it's limited. While it implies something that is purely decorative, it doesn't have to be. It can be functional as well.  One of my functional vignettes is a simply made over tiered basket I turned in a coffee station for my kitchen counter.

Designers state a vignette should contain a minimum of 3 items.  So let's take a tour around my house and see what we can find in the form of a vignette.  Keep in mind, most of the items I decorate with are Goodwill, junk or yard sale finds!  It doesn't take a lot of moolah to get a little fancy going on.

This is my coffee table at the moment. A few old books minus their slip covers adds more touches of color under an adorable wire acorn I picked up at Big Lots.  My yard sale wooden tray holding a doily and a fake pumpkin I made last Fall.  Added a few pine cones.  I SO want to paint this coffee table black!  The weather hasn't been cooperating on the weekends when I've had the time.  So I am hoping it's my next 'big' project.

I just have a feeling my table would pop in black against my hand me down cream sofa.  Too much wood in the living room at the moment.
Back in search of vignettes...

My last years find at the antique market, a tiny table in my living room under my old window.  Used an old wooden bread bowl/tray handed down from my mom to layer it a bit.  Couldn't find the right size empty frame to pop behind it.  So I will be Goodwill hunting for one soon.  The 'newest' items on the table are my adorable little bird picked up at a local Real Deals store on sale and that tiny green bottle, a junk store find for 49 cents.  The other old jars belonged to my Dad.

More pine cones on my mantel along with Hobby Lobby clearance decor items, the other Goodwill mini bird cage and a large birdcage I found a few weeks ago at a yard sale for $4.  Birds inside were $2 for the pair.  You can decorate on the 'cheap' with a bit of creativity and an open mind about 'junk' finds.

Top of my frig.

My sewing machine 'side' table in my kitchen a few weeks ago.
Why yes, that is the same pumpkin that is now on my coffee table.  I love changing things up!

My side table today.  The white pitcher and bowl were a yard sale find, $2. The plate stand is from the Goodwill, $4.  Dollar Tree tiny pumpkins and sunflowers. The pumpkin on the top plate is real from the grocery store.

Books give height to objects.  The clock atop my entertainment center.

A bathroom vignette?
Or maybe a yard vignette....

My daughter and I saw this on our drive home today.  Just had to stop for a photo. See the tiny tractor? Click on the photo to enlarge.
Hope you enjoyed the vignettes in my home.  If you want to know more and see others please visit Funky Junk Interiors for her Saturday Nite Special on vignettes.  There is a lot of beautiful decor going on over there!

Since several of these 'spots' in my home have morphed into new looks, I'm also linking in a Between Naps on the Porch's Met Monday.


  1. Hey Sherri! That was a very informative post! Thanks for the insight into a vignette. Sounds like such a snooty-patooty word, doesn't it? LOL! All of your "vignettes" look great!! Kim

  2. Sherri! First of all Hubs and I LOVE the old barn on your header!! WAY too cool!
    YES, you should paint the coffee table black, you will love it! The sofa and the table will POP!
    What are are ranch potatoes and ranch chicken. Will you share recipes?
    Thanks for your comment at our blog, now we get to watch your blog.
    By the way, our daughter-in-love is a GRITS, too!

  3. I'm with kimmcl, I learned something too! Great definition!

    My fav of yours is the pumpkin flower one. Adorable!

    Thanks for linking up to the party!

    Funky Junk Donna

  4. Ha! my house is full of little Vignettes..a pile of laundry here, a stack of books husbands 3 pair of shoes over there...who knew I was a decorator ;-)

  5. Hee hee, my friend from OK made fun of me when I used that word, but I use it all the time! Your vignettes are all lovely! That outside decor is definitely photo-worthy!

  6. Love your vignettes. And I love that you did them on the cheap. My kind of gal. Thanks for all the info about vignettes as well.

  7. I love all your vignettes. So inspiring!

  8. I can't spell the word vin....ah well. Nice job; but I must say I love that last picture--they out did themselves on that display!

  9. Thanks for this post! Great blog, and lovely vignettes! I'm following along from now on - hope you can stop by my place sometime! :)

  10. What a great post. It's so funny how things- like groupings- get names-
    Why do we do that?

    Yours look great.

    Enjoyed visiting and am now a follwer.


  11. I definatly am walking away with some lessons! Especially what you did with your plate stand. I have one in my house that I want to change up at a later date. Love how you used the sunflowers. Thanks for so many great ideas!

  12. I love doing Vignettes but I have never used that word before. Thanks for explaining it!
    Thanks also for becoming a follower of my blog and for promoting "A Handmade Christmas". I am looking forward to visiting your blog to see what ideas you have!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~