
Got Gifts? Idea #1

There are 62 days left until Christmas!

Did panic just fly through your entire body, mind and checkbook?
Every year I say I am going to make things ALL year long.  Every year with just a few weeks left I'm crafting away gift ideas for Christmas.  I've been known to be waiting on the paint to dry Christmas Eve so I can wrap the gifts.
This year was different pretty much like this:
I started last night.
I saw this idea somewhere (if you know where let me know and I will credit the crafter!)

A recycled ranch chip dip jar candle.

Being a penny pincher working on a frugal budget I am always searching for inexpensive but usable gift ideas.  This year with furloughed work days it has become more of a necessity.  I still want to be able to give a little something to friends and family, because it makes me feel good! Over the next several weeks I will be posting a number of frugal and homemade gift ideas.  I hope that you will also share some of your inspirations!  Don't we all need a few cheap budget friendly present suggestions?!  Let's see if we can keep the stress off our budgets and bodies while filling the holidays with more joy by sharing our talents.

How did I make these?  Well it's really very easy!

Gather together what you will need:

Old jars of any kind, spaghetti sauce, dips, get the idea right?
Rip off the labeling, wash and if there is sticky stuff, use Goo Gone (or peanut butter, let soak in for a few hours, wipe clean).  Frosted Glass spray (this one I purchased at Hobby Lobby with a 40% off coupon). Stickers (from all those old scrapbook supplies), stencils or cutout designs.  Leftover bits of burlap and twine. A candle and some coffee beans.  Newspaper.

Design your stickers on the jar.  This is where the light will shine through.

Go out into the chilly night to spray the can.
Or wait on a sunny day.
How many weeks do I have left to get all this done?
Ok, chilly night it is!

If you want to cover up the name stamped in the glass around the top (Prego jar here), then plug in your glue gun, burn your fingers trying to wrap some burlap around the top.  Then tie a little twine, ribbon, lace, old shoe strings...whatever works around the burlap.  Use inexpensive coffee beans in the bottom (or sand, rocks, marbles).  I like the French vanilla beans because they smell so good!

Drop Nestle your candle in the middle of the beans.

Enjoy the shine!

I am sharing this on:

Frugal Friday at Life as Mom .

Frugaliciou$ Friday at Finding Fabulous 
Like using burlap?  Want crafty ideas?  Check out Someday Crafts, Build it with Burlap.
For other DIY projects visit Do it yourself Day with Kimba at A Soft Place to Land 
For some other Christmas ideas check out Red Writing and her 12 weeks of Christmas (on week 5 now).
Also A Handmade Christmas with Proverbs 31 Living on Thursday's in November.
Another GREAT Homemade gift link party at Just A Girl's "I can Make That".


  1. This is so cute! You'll have to enter this for Just a Girl's party in November and you should also hook it up to Jane's Friday party at Finding Fabouless.

  2. Very nice... You have the greatest ideas...

  3. And, also... Thanks for the peanut butter idea for getting rid of the goo from the labels...

  4. This is an awesome idea, Sherri. I have written down all of the directions. The first 15 are for me!! ;-)


  5. This is a great idea! I will look forward to seeing more frugal ideas for gifts :)

  6. That's a great idea! I'm making most of my gifts this year, so it's nice to have lots of ideas.

  7. That is so clever, I'm definately going to try that. :)

  8. I love this idea! I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing it.


  9. Love the burlap fray!!!Thanks for linking up and adding my blog to the bottom of your post. So nice!

  10. Ummm, I love these!!!!!

    Great post!

    I love the idea of reusing old things with a touch of new to create great gifts. These would be good for those people you don't really know what to get (like Sunday school teachers, teacher aids, etc)


    Stop by and see me sometime over at Free2BeFrugal!

  11. I love these!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you thank you :)

  12. I found you through your burlap project (I also added a linky). Nice to find another decor girl :)

  13. Super cute idea! Now I just need some of that spraypaint....

  14. Very, Very cute! I think I shall have to try that!

    With all your handmade gift ideas I would love it if you would come visit my blog and link up to the "Handmade Christmas" that I will be hosting on Thursdays in November and December.


  15. What great ideas! Thanks for sharing :-)

  16. I really love this idea! They are so pretty and would also make great gifts. I'll have to keep this in mind for teacher's gifts! Thanks for linking up to Frugalicious Friday...I can't wait to see more of your fabulous finds!

    Jane @ Finding fabulous

  17. Very, very creative! Great idea. :)

  18. Love this idea. I'm going to have to try it this week. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

  19. This is too, too cute! I am going to have to do this!

    I just found your blog!! LOVE IT!
    I'm following!!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  20. panic indeed! I'm not ready!
    cool ideas

  21. O sister, you got it going on!
    Too clever!!!

  22. This is going on my To Do List for NEXT year! With a newborn, there is no way I can even think of attempting this for this Christmas! Thanks so much for the idea!

  23. I love this way of creating a really unique gift. Lots of my friends love to have votives going all the time and this is a great new way to give a nice gift without breaking the bank!
    Christmas Blessings,
    Jayne at mysongwithin

  24. I love this idea! Esp. the recycled jars....great idea with the coffee beans, too. When I saw them on your supply table, I was wondering...Thanks so much for sharing these, I can see me and my girls making some of these this season. Thanks again!

  25. Really cute idea! I tried something like this...yours turned out soooo much better. Frosted glass spray? Who knew? Thank you!

  26. Very cute! And it sounds like fun to do. These could be done in so many different "themes." Thanks for the directions.

  27. Thanks for linking this up to A Handmade Christmas. It is such a pretty gift and decorating idea. I love it that it repurposes old jars too.

  28. This is AWESOME. Frosted glass spray... awesome awesome awesome. I have the jars and now I need the stencil I have and mind and spray.

    Thanks for the great inspiration!


  29. Loove what you have done here...I have lots of this is an awesome idea for me. Thanks sooo much for sharing.


  30. I loooove those! I think they'd make great luminaries too. Thanks for sharing!

  31. Love Love Love these!!! I have made candle holders with cans but not glass yet!!!
    Thanks for sharing your trick!!
    Mama Holli

  32. Um yes! This is perfect!! Love this idea and they are so adorable.


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~