
Soup's On Ya'll

I love the cooler weather we are having this week!  PERFECT for soup and it was on the menu plan.  I am delighted to feature more of my thrifty finds from our yard sale weekend and a stop this week in the Goodwill store on  Tablescape Thursday. Fix yourself a glass of sweet tea, pull up a chair and I will tell you how I decorated a shiny frugal autumn table.  Then you can stroll on over to Rhoda's Fall Inspiration Party for more ideas on fall decorating.

The centerpiece is my 'new' beautiful white soup tureen.  Isn't she elegant?!  A nice little elderly lady parted with her for the incredible price of $4.  Of course, I was tickled pink as she is my very first tureen!  I sat her in a newly spray painted black metal tray (Goodwill - $2.22) and surrounded her with (Dollar Tree) garland and gourds atop a festive table runner.(Ross - $4.99).  The prices are in parentheses, cause my Momma would just kill over to think a proper Southern daughter is disclosing such information to dignified folks as yourself.  So if you see the little curve ... you have the option to blink past the pricing.  *wink*

Of course my soup tureen fit for a queen should have her very own ladies in waiting to assist in the setting.

A cute little bird house (Goodwill $2.02) dressed in new black spray paint beside my yard sale find votive candles.

Complimenting the other side, a second lady in waiting, bird house decked out in new paint.  She also reigns from the Goodwill store ($1.21). 

When my Goodwill white dishes heard the Queen tureen was coming to dinner, they wanted to be included as chargers.  Dainty designed brown salad plates made their return visit in honor of the Queen's autumn reign.  Debuting for this setting are the green soup bowls speckled with brown (Ross) and previously purchased white yardsale napkins.  Completing the ensemble are my everyday silverware and (Dollar Tree) glass goblets. The only thing left to do is...

serve up Taco Soup (click for the recipe)!
MMm Mmm Good

I hope you enjoyed your visit around my thrifty royals.  Be sure to visit all of the fashionable tablescapes over at Between Naps on the Porch with our hostess Susan and stop by Rhoda's "It's Fall Ya'll" Party.


  1. Hi Sherri! The prices on those beautiful pieces are amazing. What lucky finds! I like your bird houses very much espeically the first one. Please come back on Friday, to see our whole house cause Cheri wants to feature it....Christine

  2. You found some great bargains! We love making pots of soup or stew on crisp weekends. Will check out your recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I LOVE your title picture - red barn - it actually took my breath away - love it! Cute, cute stuff you have displayed!

  4. Fantastic bargains on that gorgeous table. The setting is perfect for taco soup. I especially like the tureen. It is all so comforting and homey.
    ♥, Susan

  5. Great bargins, don't you just love it when that happens! Very pretty. The taco soup sold me with all that yummy sour cream!

  6. Happy Fall. And it sure does feel like this morning. I can't believe how cool it is. I've had to put on a sweater. Brrr. Love your fall decor.

  7. I really like this! Great bargains too! I've had the Taco Soup and love it, reminds me to buy the ingredients to make it again! I love soups in cooler weather!


  8. Pretty table..and the crown jewel is the tureen! It is gorgeous..and 4 dollars..she GAVE it to you...
    The soup looks good too!
    Thanks for visiting, and so glad to meet you!

  9. Pretty table setting. Really like the birdcage.

  10. Cute and cozy. I do love taco soup. And your tureen is lovely.


  11. Hello Sherri - thank you for sharing your amazing Fall decor! I especially love that soup tureen. Fabulous. And I can smell the taco soup through the computer! *drool*


  12. I LOVE that you put together that beautiful table with thrift finds (isn't Goodwill just he greatest)! It all looks so pretty!


  13. I have a passion for soups and soup toureens./ Great post I enjoyed my visit today. Thank you for dropping by mine and your sweet comment!

  14. Your taco soup looks yummy! Your decorations look great!

  15. Your table looks very cozy! Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

  16. Wow, you found some really pretty and wonderful buys. That soup tureen is fabulous. The taco soup looks so yummy!


  17. Oh, I love your beautiful tureen, congrats! And thanks for joining the fall party.

  18. I think you're the queen of bargain hunters! I just love finding gems like those.

  19. You have some beautiful fall pieces! You are very talented!

  20. Sherri,
    What a wonderful table and your soup just looks toooo good,I'm ready to eat. Don't you just love finding bargains like the ones you have this week.

  21. Taco soup...yum! Your finds are great treasures too!

  22. Wonderful job combining TT and the fall party, Sherri!! I don't have a soup tureen so I can just imagine how you felt when you found one (and at that price~~~in case Mother is listening!!) It's beautiful. I also love the brown plates and the bowls. They look like you bought it all as a set!! You did great, girl!! And I want to thank you for always stopping by. I missed you when you were gone~so happy to have you back, Sherri!

    Happy Fall Y'All!!


  23. What a GREAT table you've got happening! You know how SSG loves her white dishes ; ) Love the fall theme!

  24. Your dishes are gorgeous, and that soup looks so good. I think I know what I'll make for dinner tomorrow night!

  25. Love taco soup. It's a must at our house. Thanks for visiting Design A-Peele

  26. Everything looks so beautiful ... I love all your Fall

  27. Great table! I have yet to acquire my first tureen... you got a great one! I'm not sure I'm quite ready myself for all this chilly weather (high of 51 at my house today!), but you're absolutely right about soup being a good response. Moroccan Chicken Soup is on my list for next week!
    - Meg

  28. Great Table ... recipe sounds good, too! Hope you'll stop by to visit with me, too!

  29. Hello Sherrie...

    Ohhh...what a beautiful autumn table! I do love your newest treasure finds! The white tureen...gorgeous!!! She does look very regal sitting in that beautiful black tray and used as the centerpiece! And...those pretty bird cages...true love! You found some great items at true bargain prices which make them even sweeter!!! Thank you for sharing them with us...and your beautiful autumn table too!

    Warmest wishes and Happy Fall!
    PS...I love taco soup!!!

  30. What great prices and how pretty too!
    Yum...taco soup sounds delicious! I am going to copy that recipe!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog Fall party!

  31. What a pretty soup tureen and what yummy looking soup!

  32. Great setting, and elegantly laid out table! Perfect colors!

  33. Hi Sherri,
    Lovely tureen, it may be the first but I bet it won't be the last.
    I really enjoy seeing everyone's Goodwill & TJ's bargain items, I'll be heading to those places next week whilst vacationing in the US.
    Thanks for visiting Normandy.
    a bientot

  34. Nothing says fall like soups and stews!!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comment! I signed up as a follower and would love it if you did the same!

  35. Hi Sherri, Thanks for coming by. I enjoyed reading several of your posts. Love your header with that beautiful barn!

  36. Hi Sherri, your table is wonderful....lovely elements. Your tureen is to die for!!

    Barb ♥

  37. I loooove your little soup toureen and I'm jealous! Taco soup sounds great this time of the year. Thanks for sharing.

  38. Hi Sherri, Thank you so much for taking them time to come see me and leaving me a comment about my frugal fall! I Love your idea about taking the ride in the country with the windows down...LOVE IT!
    Now, What great finds you have here in this post!!! Love the bird house and soup tureen!!!!

    I hope you'll come back to visit with me again!

    Enjoy your weekend! Nancy

  39. I loved your frugal royals. You just proved you don't have to spend a lot of money to have a fabulous tablescape. And I loved the way you wrote the post. Very enjoyable. Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving me a comment. And I promise to not tell your mom that you disclosed prices. If she finds out, just tell her that we made you tell.

  40. Sherri, I love your tablescape and soup tureen! It's so warm and cozy for fall. Great bargains, and the taco soup looks yummy, too.

  41. Taco Soup is my FAVORITE!!! I love the bird house and the color of your plates are so warm and perfect for Autumn!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll be back...I'm a follower, now! :)

  42. Taco soup is one of my daughter's favorites!! I like those cages!

  43. Hello Sherri~I've just strolled into your blog for my first visit...I've enjoyed taking a peek at your past posts. Isn't it great to find something you want at a deal.

    The one thing that can cheer me up as I watch summer come to a close is... the anticipation of fall and all the autumnal colors that come with it.
    Providing creative inspiration for crafts and cooking. Thanks for sharing your recipes.

    I've bookmarked you in my favs.
    I look forward to coming by your charming blog again.
    Come by for a visit. Your company would be nice.

    Sweet wishes,

  44. Bravo, Kiddo!! You hit the jackpot on your thrify remakes & they all look GREAT!

    I love your witty writing style, too. Makes me smile each time I visit. :D

    Thanks for the link to the recipe, too.

  45. Great tablescape and that soup...yum! Fabulous finds!

    Enjoy your weekend~ J.

  46. Love your royal tureen! and a wonderful autumn tablesetting and soup too - yum!

  47. Your table is absolutely gorgeous!! Totally inspiring! I need to get some goodies for a pretty table now!

  48. I didn't realize how much I love your blog until right now. I just made the connection that you are in like every blog carnival I frequent.

    I'm in love!

    I am gonna go subscribe right now so I don't miss a thing.


  49. By the way, I have been thinking I so need (okay want) a table runner and refrain because of expense. Thanks for sharing that you got yours from Ross. Never would have thought to check there.



Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~