
Front Porch Envy Tour

I have it.  Front porch envy!  I grew up in an old farmhouse out in the country with a porch across the entire front.  Plus a swing!  Not sure if it's just a Southern thang or not, but the weather lately has me wanting to sip coffee on that old porch.  My little house has a concrete slap level with the ground that doesn't constitute what I consider a porch.  In fact right now it closely resembles a jungle.  The shrubs have grown too high and I've decided I want them cut to the ground.  No worries, they will grow back.  Hopefully I can keep them tiny and manageable.  Maybe next spring I can show you my pitiful not really a porch, front porch.  It's a project that will take a while.

This morning, my bestie friend, Jane, and I set out to the sweet old country town of Tallapoosa for their annual city wide yard sale.  Let me tell you how country this place is!  Their 'claim to fame' is a Possum Drop on New Year's Eve.  Seriously!  But don't let that fool ya.  The town is full of charming and historic homes. So my front porch jealousy grew and grew while we walked the streets hunting junk treasures. Wanna tag along?

Wicker, iron, flowers, beauty and little shrubs...yes I covet this porch.
(You can click on all the photos for a closer look!)

Sorry the photo is a tad dark, but isn't she a beauty!? Oh, what junk decor I could do to this porch.

Even a small porch would do!  Couldn't you see me out here? Sipping coffee or sweet tea. Plus this one is already fully decorated just for me!

Or maybe a porch of a house on the historical registry.  I am a Southern Belle, ya know!

Scarlett O'Hara!  I think I'm having a porch fancy today. Be still my heart.

Whew! Now this is more my size.  Isn't this one adorable with it's red door?

Then I spotted the Belle of the Ball!  A desire rose up in me and I became flush PEA GREEN with envy.

You HAVE to click on the photo to see all the fabulous items on this porch!
I squealed with utter DELIGHT!
An old church pew with pillows under what appears to be an old iron fence hung upside down over the window.  A lamp, plants, wicker chair, candles, a huge tassel and yes a swing!

If I go missing, you know where to look for me.  In a town nicknamed 'Possum Snout' on this front porch sipping hot coffee on a cool autumn morn.

Until then, I will be bringing you some pretty thrifty finds from today's adventure in upcoming posts.
I've already been sniffing busy with the spray paint!


  1. Those are DEFINETLY my kind of homes. We live in an old farmhouse with a big front porch. But nothing fancy like these! love it!

  2. Beautiful. In that last pic, do they have a lamp on their porch? Brilliant!

  3. Yes there is a lamp on the porch too! If the outside looks so warm, inviting and totally me...I can't IMAGINE what the inside would be like!

  4. Ohhhhh ... SSG has front porch envy like NOBODY'S business!

    Can't wait to see your new finds!

  5. I LOVE big porches!!! Someday I really want a house with a wrap around porch. There is just something about a wrap around porch.. Not sure whey we don't have more of them here in AZ...


  6. Oh, gorgeous. That last photo made me envious but it also made me laugh, because, with the wind we get here, even if I *had* a porch, I couldn't put anything that didn't weigh 200 lbs. on it! It would end up across the street and up the block!

  7. Love the house with the 1st and 2nd floor covered porches. How very cool.

    Thanks so much for sharing all your pictures!

  8. Sherri thanks for stopping by today... great to see you there... thanks for your kinds comments also...

    I am drooling over those porches...I made myself a promise I am going to have one of those before I leave this world... I might need the rocking chair by the time I get it... but that is on my bucket list...

    great re-do in your kitchen nice job...

  9. One of my favorite things about our house is the huge shaded porch. Sooo lovely in the summertime! :-)


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