
Tickled Pink

Happy Pink Saturday!

A warm beautiful day in Georgia. Gardens will soon be springing to life. My friendship garden is full of lovely blooms (the photo is the calendar in my studio). This week has been a week full of friends. I met many new blogging friends on Monday. I have had friends over to help me paint, strip wallpaper and work on my kitchen. Giving of their time, talents and friendship. Friends call to laugh with me about my 'graceful' fall while painting and to check to make sure I was still in one piece. Friends who have stopped by my blog to leave comments. I am thankful for all of my friends, virtual and in real life.; for they truly are the most beautiful flowers in my life's garden.

Last Saturday, I dropped by The Checker Blossom store in Bowdon, Georgia. A little town down the road. My new found friend, Crystal had said I would enjoy the tour. I did. I also took a photo of a PINK booth to share with all the pink lovers. Check out the adorable pink frames! Click the photo to enlarge.

For more PINKness, check out all the ladies over at Beverly's How Sweet The Sound Pink Saturday.

I have the windows open, the birds are singing and I am going to do some more work on my kitchen. I hope to be back for another crafty post later. I made a quick and easy little project last night that I want to share!


  1. Happy Pink Saturday. I love the Paris sign in your friend, Crystal's shop. Thanks for the tour.


  2. love your attitude:) and the pink, of course!

  3. I love the saying on your calendar, and the flowers are so cute. Hope you've recovered from your fall.

  4. Love that sign and the chandy.thanks for the trip.whatcha gonna paint next?...Ann

  5. Just wanted to say I hope you have a Happy Pink Day!

  6. What a cute pink booth. Did you buy anything? I know you visited The Mermaids, but in case you didn't see it we are doing a giveaway that ends tomorrow night. Check it out.

  7. It's a beautiful day today...hope you got outside! Happy Pink Saturday


  8. What a pretty pink booth filled with treasures. Happy Pink Saturday. Karen

  9. Hi Sherri!
    I love the picture with the chippy frames and the beautiful pink measuring pitcher and the orange squeezer!
    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday!
    Deanna :D

  10. Such pretty pink things, thanks for sharing.

    Happy Pink Saturday

  11. Cute, cute, cute!!! Happy Pink Saturday!

  12. Hi Sherri,
    It was a beautiful day here!

    That is such a cute sign! I love the saying too!

  13. So ready for spring. I can hear my birdies chirping...They're ready too!


  14. the weather here today was gorgeous too! i love the flower pic but your sweet words about friends are so special. all the blogging friends i have met through pink saturday makes my posts more special and meaningful to me too!! happy pink week and thanks for the visit!

  15. Evening, Sherri~ What a cute sweet Pink shop! I'd love to go there with you! Oh, I've enjoyed getting to know you. I agree, Blogland is the best and I've met so many wonderful ones like you!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Hello and Happy Pink Saturday! Thank you for stopping by! Love this littl pink booth! How fun to have friends help you paint! Love your calendar
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  17. What lovely pinkness. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Hugs :)


  18. Like you calendar cover and what a lovely booth you visited with all the pinkness.

  19. Beautiful saying and what a lovely booth! I would have loved to see every little detail of what's being sold there...Christine

  20. Happy Pink Saturday - love what you said about friends and that pink booth is adorable.

  21. What a cute little shop! Spring has arrived here, too. Lots of blossoms!

  22. Hi Sherri! What cute pinkness! I spied a little Paris sign in there!!!...Debbie

  23. Hi Sherri :)

    What a darling booth!

    It looks like you girls had a wonderful luncheon :)


  24. Sherry, What a sweet share., and I'm sorry to hear about your fall! I hope you are doing okay! I've taken a bit of time away this past week from blogging and am doing a few less meme's., but I'll be back by to check in on you! ;) You take care., you had a great PINK SHARE! I can't wait to get down to your neck of the woods to see all these great finds! ;) ~CC Catherine


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~