
Southern Blogging Ladies Luncheon

Yes, I am a tad slow with putting out the 411 (hip teen term, you learn these things as the mom of a teenager) to blogland.

Monday was bitterly cold, but I braved the day after a winter blizzard. Ok, just a few inches of snow, but that IS a storm in Georgia. Drove a bit over an hour to the big city to meet up with 11 other wonderful Southern bloggers, most living in and around the metro Atlanta area. Some were transplant Southern ladies (ya know, really Yankees...but living here now) and some were home grown originals. Couldn't tell the difference because they were all just as sweet as molasses!

We met at La Madeleine. I was thrilled to be greeted by Crystal, a local gal and instant friend that I met last week. Here is a photo of us, courtesy of Sue (Rue Mouffetard).

The food was delish! I had a fancy french named chicken pot pie (sort of) with a creamy mushroom sauce and of course, sweet iced tea. Photo of my plate, at the top, is thanks to Crystal.

We all laughed, ate, shared tid bits about our lives and our blogs. Reminding me of the words in my Inspire me Pink post. The words typed on our blogs about our lives, our photos shared, projects, crafts, thrifty finds and more reach out touching others. We come together via blogs during our morning coffee, the kids nap time or late night hours to share with each other a little piece of ourselves and a peek into our lives. Meeting these ladies was such a special treat! The time was brief, but the memories will last along with the sharing and inspiration found each day as they write their blogs.

Please be sure to drop by each of their amazing and beautiful blogs for more photos of the day and tons of wonderful inspiration. I can't wait for our paths to cross again!

From left going around:
Our hostess with the mostess! Susan of Between Naps on the Porch
Next, the lady that can drive circles around all of us! Debbie of Confessions of a Plate Addict
A Rosebud and giving mentor to young girls, Cheryl of JoJo's Joys
The talented and smiling, CC Catherine of Catherine de the Cups (she made us all a beautifully done card with a personal note and chocolate! So very sweet!).
A fellow scrapbooker and sweetie, Deb of Drivin' 55
My new local thrift hunting bud and lost sister, Crystal of Olive Rue
Cupcake baker extraordinaire, Sue of Rue Mouffetard (she brought us all YUMMY cupcakes!)
Simply me
Sweet Grandma babysitter, Linda at Nina's Nest
Soon-to-be blogger and another great baker, Joyce (who provided us with delicious brownies)
And one more soon-to-be excited blogger, Denise
Not in the photo was camera shy but just as lovely as her name, Rose, of
A Santamaker's Journey


  1. Sherri,
    That's a great commentary on the were so clever with all your descriptions! In your previous post, sorry about the fall. I like your paint color. I used a golden color in my living room - Ben. Moore number 198...not sure what the name was. Will look forward to seeing the whole room pictured. Linda

  2. Looks like a great time was had by all! I see lots of 'famous' faces!

    Blogging is the best isn't it?

  3. Hello Hello!!

    I have just tagged you and your blog to receive the "Kreativ Blog Award". I have enjoyed getting to know you. You make me laugh with all your "craziness". Love your blog!

    Stop on over at my blog and check out the details of the award.

    The other Sherri S.

  4. I've really enjoyed reading posts about your lunch. I'm sure y'all will do it again.

  5. What a good looking bunch! You all look so happy! I am so jealous!...Christine

  6. Hi Sherri! It was soooo much fun, wasn't it? I wanted to talk to you more. Next time we'll do it like "speed dating" and change conversation partners every 10 minutes! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie

  7. sherri - i can't wait to come back and browse through these blogs - thanks for sharing this:)

  8. Sounds like a fun lunch. I would love to do something like this with other Ohio bloggers, maybe I'll just have to take the lead!

  9. Hello, I enjoyed meeting you and enjoyed your blog this morning.

    The lucheon looks like so much fun. I bet with 11 bloggers in one room there was a lot of picture snapping going on. I drive my husband nuts because I'm always like "wait, you can't eat that until I have a picture of it"> We bloggers need pictures after all.

    You ask about the ceiling tile replicas, yes they do come with the hangers attached. They were on sale here this week for half off and they are in the metalware isle. They orginally came in a beautiful shabby pink color but I had to paint white and they painted beautifully.

    Hope this helps,

  10. Hey Sherri, Don't feel so badly...I'm still trying to get to posting about our day! ha! I'll get to will spread the enjoyment out longer anyways if I blog about it in the next few days! ;) You did a FAB job of sharing our day! ;) ~CC Catherine

  11. That looks like tons of fun. I've met (in real a couple of blogging friends. It's great to meet new people.

  12. Ahhh my sweet, Sherri got our pic posted. I don't see how you found the time with all that you have going on at your house. Speaking of the's it going?

    Your writing just cracks me up. Seriously, you have a god given talent for writing. You could write a southern book. Well my phone is ringing gotta run. Hugs

  13. Oh, you guys are so lucky! How fun!

  14. Sure hate that I missed all this fun! Thanks for posting the photos Sherri. Maybe one day I can meet up with the GA group!
    Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  15. Girrrrlllll, I was not expecting an ending like that. My hubby said he appreciated me picking out such an uplifting and cheerful movie, lol! It was good, but not what I had in mind for an ending.

  16. What a great time! Looks like you really had fun, and I spy some pinkish letters on those muffins! Speaking of which...

    Happy Pink Saturday!


    Sheila :-)

  17. Happy Pink Saturday! I'm redoing, too. Must follow your progress.

  18. Looks like such fun!

    Happy Pink SAturday!

  19. Sherri, I hope you are feeling well...

    I am loving the pictures from your luncheon, I can tell that all of you had fun. I hope your vacation went as well as you hoped it would be. At least we all had fun hearing about it (parts of it WERE hysterical~the sink?).


  20. How cool to meet some from Georgia...I am from Middle Ga and love blogging also and have been wanting to find some bloggers around my area so now I am finding some...Looks like you all had a great time!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~