
Homemade Napkins & Rings

Last month, I was the winner of a SWEET give-away by Beth at ModernJax. My package of beautiful goodies has long since arrived in the mail. I waited until I had an item made to post highlighting the gift. Since I haven't learned to sew, I had to call on mom.

My mom is one talented lady. Wonder woman actually. How else would you describe a beautician that still works at almost 74 years of living on this earth? She is the baby of eleven children, the mother to three and grandmother of eight, and can work circles around me! She has sewn for as long as I can remember. Mostly dresses for us three girls growing up. She quilts, like my fellow blogger Beth, who sent me the fabric. She is a wonderful cook.

She grew up in harder times. Wore flour sack dresses and swept the yard with broom sage. They had no grass to cut. Picked cotton. Grew most of their own food. No wonder she is one tough cookie!

I'm sure learning to sew was a treat back in her growing up years. I wish I had paid more attention when I took Home Economics back in High School. Even then, I got mom to help me with my sewing project for class!

Mom made two cute napkins out of one of the fabric pieces. I pulled out some of my old lace and made up a couple of quick napkin rings from lace and ....are you ready for this?
An empty toilet paper roll! I cut the roll at about one inch then used my double stick tape runner to attach the lace. I really like the 'old' look and feel to this on my white dishes.

Thanks again to Beth for the sweet giveaway prize! I have another project idea brewing for another piece of the fabric. Hopefully I can get to it soon. Too many projects, too little time!

Speaking of time. My eyes were larger than my stomach ...regarding my kitchen makeover. Not to mention my unhired free help has the flu! I have been a busy bee at work and just decided to give my not so Wonder Woman self a 'break'. I am having pizza and a movie night tonight with old friends and kids! Fun stuff. Plus I took a break from the bloggin train rides this week and am enjoying the Spring temps. I will be back in full swing with lots of new things to share next week! I plan to pre-schedule a few posts on Sunday: A small Met Monday, which will be my first! And it's BLUE! Ha! Along with a junk 'treasure' find for Tuesday and a 3'fer. So don't touch that dial! Good things are just around the bend.


  1. Hi Sherri! Oh, your mother sounds like mine: she grew up in the south, picked cotton, swept the yard, sewed, quilted and she's 85! About 20 years ago she could run circles around me! You mother is a pretty little thing.
    Now congrats on winning the pretty fabric and I love the pretty napkins and how smart of you to make those sweet napkin rings. You know you've given me some ideas!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. I love the napkin rings and frankly, I think you absorbed more than you realize from those home ec classes. You go girl!

  3. I wish I could meet your mom, she could teach us both to sew! Love your napkin rings.

  4. Hey crazy woman! I'm home. Had major withdrawals from the computer. Had to get my fix as soon as I walked in the door. Now, I'm catching up on all my blogs. Congrats on package. Those are very nice.

    Oh did you hear anything about that job yet? I'm still interested.

  5. Sherri,

    You are just so comical, "don't touch that dial"!! And I love how organized you are about blogging~I am having such problems with editing that I don't dare to try to schedule anything~I would surely lose it!

    Your mom is a wonderwoman! I am sure she has always been a great example (hey, you turned out alright!). I give all the women of her generation a big shout out. I think we do pretty well also, we work, raise kids and express ourselves creatively. Look at hose napkin rings (I have to steal that idea!)...

    I will see you next week Wonderdaughter!!


  6. "Too many projects, too little time!"

    You got that one right.

  7. Yah, Sherri! I'm so glad you are using the fabric...can't wait to see what you come up with next, the napkins (and rings) are so cute!

  8. Beautiful napkins! You have a marvelous talented mom!...Christine

  9. Hi Sherri...thanks for letting us "meet" your pretty & special mom...also, great use of the fabrics you won...Love them, ;-) Bo

  10. Nice post Sherri...napkins turned out great! Kudos!

  11. Sherri, that's some pretty fabric, and I like the napkins. Your mom looks fantastic - and certainly looks a lot younger than her age! My mom (85) is a lot like that too. Aren't they inspirations?! Linda

  12. Beautiful idea! I have been saving toilet paper tubes to make poppers out of for party favors. Now I have another reason. How fun!

  13. Hi Sherri....what agreat post about the MOM...I love how you made napkin rings out of toilet paper clever is that..the possibilities are endless...Hope you staying warm and dry this weekend...I just had to crank up the heat a few notches!!

  14. I loved hearing about your mom. What an awesome woman! You and I both have something in common - our moms are both sewers. I never really learned to sew either. I love the napkins! And what clever napkin rings! I love that you used toilet paper tubes. For my wedding, I used paper towel tubes to hold flowers and you'd never know!

  15. Those are beautiful napkins and rings!!!

  16. Hey Sherri! What a great idea using a toilet paper holder and covering with lace for napkin rings! LOVIN it! I totally love it! ;) ~CC Catherine (I'm going to try that too!)

  17. What a great idea with the toilet roll. I hope you will join me for Made it Mondays. Mister Linky is up and ready for you to enter.

  18. I've been meaning to make some fabric napkins from some vintage sheets I bought at the thrift store. That was eight months ago! Well, I absolutely love the toilet paper holder idea. I would have never thought of that. That's really great to know because napkin rings from a store are so expensive!

    Thanks for sharing this great tip!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~