
Just call me 'Grace'

Ever heard that saying? When someone trips up walking or has a mis-step? "Just call me 'Grace." For being ever so graceful and all. Yesterday, I'm right in the thick of my remodeling, rolling paint onto the kitchen walls, using my step stool type ladder to reach the top. Step down, missed the last one completely. There goes my body soaring through the air! My knee met with the floor, my head barely missed the kitchen table and I said a few not so sweet words. Let me just say, it was not a pretty sight.

Today I have a horribly sore shoulder. Ouch! The knee is barely bruised.

Of course, what is a girl to do but call her mother and tell her the story. I should tell you that I dropped in on mom Monday after my bloggers luncheon. (Yes, I need to post those photos, I remember!) She was standing in a chair to reach something on top of her cabinets. I told her that a 73 year old woman should be careful. Well, she got a huge hoot and hollar today about my fall and said, "What am I going to do with you OLD people?" Uh huh, thanks mom. Did I mention my shoulder hurts like I participated in a bad episode of a WWF wrestling match? Not pretend ...the real thing. I'm the one that got tossed out of the ring! More like tossed off the ladder.

Did I mention I must be color blind also? I never end up with the color I envision. EVER.

Here is the reason I am a bloggin' slacker this week. I took this photo last night. The yellow is a TAD more golden, but not much. My vision was more golden. My daughter says she likes it. Of course, it could be the ugly blue wallpaper (not shown) that is still on the bottom half awaiting the bead board; that is causing my delusion with the color. Or it could just be I gone and bumped my head! ;-)

Maybe I should have picked green instead like many of the comments guessed. However, I have green planned for another very special room in the house. My kitchen will be bright and shiny. WAY shiny. I mean the walls. Cause if company showed up right now, I would hide and pretend I wasn't home!

So while I've not been keeping up the blog. I have been working on the house so I can have more posts and photos to show. At a later date. Right now, I hear a long hot soaking bath calling to my aching bones.


  1. Yellows are so hard. They always turn out brighter than they look on the paint chip. I know about falling. I fell up some steps today. Yes, that's right, up the steps. I hope I won't be too sore tomorrow.

  2. Hello and thank you for stopping by! I'm still making my Blue Monday and Pink Saturday visits. LOL I only get time in the evenings to get on my computer. Cute post for both of yours, have a great vacation!
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  3. Sherri,

    Blonde with bad back that never went to see a doctor but just got goo goo pills over the phone recommends that you have your shoulder checked out. Even if there is only a small thing wrong with it, you could damage it more if it is not immobilized.

    We don't say "Grace". Our favorite expression is "And all that money on charm schoo1"!!

    I like the color~a kitchen should be bright. It works faster than coffee!


  4. A bath sounds like a perfect idea. Go soak your soreness away!
    Can't wait to see more pictures.

  5. I painted my bathroom yellow once. It turned out horrible, nothing like I had envisioned it. That's what I get for letting my (now ex) husband choose the yellow. And he chose banana. That was the first time I let him help choose colors and the last... LOL

  6. Take your time...we know you'll be back soon!

    You're not the only one who's "graceful" - I do stuff like that all the time. In fact, I noticed a bruise on my leg yesterday and I have no idea where it came from. It is so large (like, 1.5" in diameter) that I'm kind of freaked out that I could have hurt myself like that and have no memory of it!

    I hope your took a bath with mineral salts and that you feel better.

  7. You are too funny girl! I love reading your blog, you always make me laugh. And I wait on your comments too. You were one of my first followers and I just love you! Hope your shoulder gets better soon, I can't wait to see what else you are up to at home.

  8. Hi Grace, Ha! My name has been "Grace" most of my life, even though it is really "Debbie". It is not that I trip or fall all of the time, because I really am fairly coordinated, but it does seem to happen more to me than most. The last one was while painting my daughter's little walk in closet; standing on a little chair, reaching up... flip goes the little chair... I am airborn in a tight space and land, slam! on my butt! Oh, my gosh... The brown paint went airborne and nicely distributed everywhere... walls, carpet, me, the ceiling! Here's to the Grace's of the world. Such a pretty name too.

  9. I made such a long story out my graceful moment that I forgot to talk about your yellow color on your wall. I too chose a golden yellow for my kitchen and it was so much brighter that I panicked. But I love it now. I am so glad I did it. You can see it some of my posts on our Mermaids of the Lake blog if you want to look.

  10. I wish I could hang out with all ya'll! I read Rue Mouffetard all the time and love it!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~