
Meet Sherri

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? ...And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." - Marianne Williamson
 Welcome to my shiny place. Where I am a simple Country girl trying to SHINE my light in a big ole world.
What will you find here?
 I share Goodwill Glamorous fashions, recipes, menu planning, and a bit of my life tossed in the mix.  Sometimes I even get crafty, along with binges of spray painting junk to spruce up the Farm.
If you clicked here, then I'm guessing you were curious about me?
I'm not a blog 'celebrity', did you figure that part out? ;-)
Although I am named after a movie star! (My middle name is Leigh, after Vivian Leigh better known as Scarlett in Gone with the Wind ~ also my all time favorite movie).
        We all can't be stars. 
 But we can all twinkle and SHINE!
 So here's the 411 -
Born in a big city (Atlanta), raised in the county.
I've lived in the same town now for almost 40 years.
Yep, I am a forty 'something' Southern Belle. ;-)
Mom to two amazing children, that I raised as a single mom for around 16 years.
My son is 25 and flown the coup, he is a police officer and also a full time dean's list college student majoring in Accounting. My daughter, 20 is a full time taco maker, living down on the farm and a scholarship student at a local small college.
My pride (police officer) and joy (she keeps me laughing!).
I became the legal guardian of my energetic adorable nephew in March 2011.
Call me crazy or call it a labor of love at my age.
For the last 12 years I've worked at our local University with a student population of a little over 11,000.
I'm a really down to earth, simple gal.
In fact, you might find me in a pair of these
Finding anything at a thrifty price thrills me!
From junk that I can makeover into home decor

To a 50 cent yard sale hippie vest to make me FEEL like a Rock Star.
I was once dubbed the Clearance Rack Queen by a good friend.
I gave up on shopping the Malls, because I can find tons of name brands at the Goodwill.
Check out my Goodwill Glamorous series, where I share my 'cheap' wardrobe.
We've been living a frugal, thrifty...pretty simple life for years.
I love sharing ideas, trying new things and meeting people.
Won't you share a bit of YOUR shine with me?  As I post fun things and about how I am polishing the inside so the outside will SHINE!
I hope you enjoy your visit!
I also have a contact page, however, feel free to email me at


  1. What a wonderful bio! We share the love of the same Marrianne Williamson is one of my all time favorites! So happy to have found your blog!

    So many great tips! And to think most folks think us Southern girls are dumb =( Sorry y'all, we only talk slow!

    Happy Bloggin'!

    ~As long as you know ME there will be JOY in your life!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~