
GIVEAWAY!!!! Featuring Cornbread Millionaire

Inspiring and Fulfilling!
We all like a touching story, a giveaway and good food!
Please meet Beverly Davis of Cornbread Millionaire
You may recognize her!  She's already been on and FoxNews.
(click on the links to read the stories)
She lost her job and her home was foreclosed.
This is Bev, in front of her home.
The very one that was foreclosed and she is determined to purchase back!
Beverly didn't sit down, didn't give up.
She focused on her faith in God and a vision became clear.
Sell cornbread mix.
Cornbread Millionaire was born.
Bev's philosophy is "I've learned to DREAM BIG. If we have faith for little, we get little. If we have faith for big, we get big. I’m trusting in the Lord’s ability to abundantly provide. "
You can read her story at Bev's Cornbread Cafe, her own blog detailing her journey of selling cornbread mix, gift sets and an eBook of Cornbread recipes to succeed as an entrepreneur and to repurchase her foreclosed home. As Bev says, You're invited to visit and see "the mountain move."
I would like to give you the opportunity to win a package of Bev's Cornbread Mix.
(winner will receive one bag of mix only, skillet not included in the prize)
ALL you have to do is leave a comment. 
No hoops to jump through for your chance to win.
Also, if Bev's story touches you, I humbly ask that you share her story!
Blog it, Tweet it (or my giveaway), go visit her sites, leave her encouragement.
I will draw the winner next Sunday, August 29th ~ A FULL week to enter!
This is a giveaway of my heart, because Bev has touched mine.

I actually hope she makes the Oprah show!  (a dream of hers).
Bev is a homegrown gal from my neck of the woods.  Truly an inspiration.
When you read her words, you hear her abundant faith!
Now let's have some pintos and cornbread.

Tomorrow come back to see the NEW 'Goodwill Glamorous' Series, where I will prove that you can wear glamorous namebrands for mere pennies.
You won't believe what I paid for this Liz Claiborne 'Little Black Dress'!

***Photos courtesy of Beverly Davis, Cornbread


  1. Love this cornbread story!!

  2. Hi! Just found your blog tonight - perfect timing! Please enter me in your give-a-way. We love cornbread!

  3. Inspiring story... Please enter me in the giveaway!
