
Butterfly Garden

Simple Beauty

Sunday evening, we were delighted by butterflies dancing over the Lantana in our backyard.
I have learned to appreciate the simple beauty in life.
A flutter of wings on a hot Summer's day.
Snapping photos.
Joy shared.

God painted such a perfect design in an array of colors on these delicate creatures.

Our unintentional Butterfly Garden

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." ~ Robert Brault

What simple beauty have you enjoyed this week?

More outdoor beauty can be seen at Outdoor Wednesday, hosted by A Southern Daydreamer


  1. You got some wonderful pictures of beautiful butterflies.

  2. You got some wonderful pictures of beautiful butterflies.

  3. Beautiful pictures and a beautiful quote! I am going to borrow that for my FB status! Love it!

  4. Thats just wonderful! I'm planting one next year on our patio...

  5. Your photos are simply beautiful! Luv butterflies in my garden too but I can't seem to catch them at the right time. Stopping by from OW.

  6. Simply beautiful!

  7. Welcome back! I must say, I was getting used to you coming and going, LOL! I love your new blog look -- very bright and fun!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~