
Breaking the mold - Painted Table

This weekend I broke out of the non 'color' mold.
Ya'll already know how I love my spray paint.
Changed up my drab coffee table with black, months ago.
Use a bunch of the famous heirloom white.
After seeing all the beautiful things around blogs painted in blue, red, green; I've been wanting to try color too.
And I LIKE it!
I picked this table up MONTHS ago at my local Goodwill.
Actually it is a sewing machine table.
My thrifty little find has been used in my kitchen even though I've always had plans to paint her.
She gets dressed up for different seasons.
Saturday was a fun day full of hitting yard sales and a couple of Goodwill stores.  Yep, more to share this week with a yard sale score just up the street from my house. After my junk hunt, I stopped to pick up a can of American Accents spray paint - $5.
Moss Green Satin.
It's been beautiful weather here in Georgia, so between loads of laundry and making up several different salads today (veggie pasta, pistachio and chicken salad); I hauled my little table outside.
I removed the hardware.  
Painted the handle with leftover black.
Then painted her moss green.
Sanded the edges a bit for that worn look.
This was my first try at sanding after painting.
Did it work?
A cute side table for $12 total cost.
Brought her back in the kitchen and dressed her up.
The little bunny was a yard sale find, $1.
The black candelabra was 10 CENTS at a yard sale last year.
It was in sad gold shape til I painted it.
Tried out a couple of looks on her.The wicker tray basket, also from Goodwill for $2.
The tiny runner was found there also, but my ole brain can't remember the price.
I love the punch of color against my white.
The curtain was made by my mom and ties it all together.
Doesn't my thrifty little gal look pretty now?

I will be linking up to tons of great blog parties this week.
So be sure to check them out for other great ideas!
You can find a full weekly list and links to them HERE.
Plus there is a BRAND new (her very first week) party.
Check it out.
Over at Chocolate Sundaes.
and another new one:
Frugal Home Designs
I will be adding these into the growing blog party list above.
If you have a link party you would like added to my list, just let me know!


  1. This was definitely a good paint makeover. I love the green and it does shine with either vignette on top. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I think the table looks great and it sooo matches that curtain.

  3. Really nice job. Looks beautiful!

  4. I just did a post on painting a piece of furniture green:

    That seems to be the hot color at the moment! Great find from Goodwill at a great price!

    Stop by my painting blog and say hello sometime!

  5. Love the green. Nice find and great color!

  6. It is stinkin cute ! I love that color of green and looks great with your curtains !

  7. Cute! I just love old sewing tables...and have one in my kitchen too.

    What a pretty color!

    : )

    Julie M.

  8. Love the sewing table and the color! I'm looking for one that size too! Hope mine turns out as cute as yours did. Great job.


  9. looks fabulous! i love furniture redos!

  10. that looks great! i love the hardware, too.

  11. love the table and the color. great work! come visit and enter my very first giveaway for a pottery barn giftcard and some of my designs at

  12. Yes, everything looks great with all the green! I love how the table looks up against the yellow and white walls. You did a fantastic job! Thanks for sharing. :)

  13. Love that color of green! Everything looks so pretty on top of it. Great curtins too!

  14. Love the table and the new color. I just finished painting a vintage dresser green and now it's my new kitchen island.

  15. I think this is absolutely amazing and the color is just fabulous!
    Hugs, L

  16. Love that color...looks great where you have it, too

  17. I love your little table! I've been painting some colors too & it is feeling good.

  18. Oh yes! I love it! Its okay to have a pop a color sometimes and the color that you chose is so nice and fresh. It's perfect for spring!

  19. This looks awesome! I'd love for you to come link up to my party.

  20. cute table. Love, love, love the green!

    I'm inspired.

  21. I really love the color of this table! What brand of moss green did you use? Also, I am going to have to try Awesome cleaner!

  22. Great makeover! Love the color, it just gives it life!

  23. What a great looking table! I love the color of it now, so cute!

  24. Sweet little vignette ~ perfect to go with the lovely curtains!

  25. Gorgeous table -- that green is fab!!

  26. Sherri, are you kidding me??? I LOVE IT! Wow! I've been wanting to experiment with color too for some pieces I have. Now you have inspired me. Thanks girl!

  27. Nice job on the sewing table - LOVE the color! Linda

  28. I just purchased that exact table from the good will last week! I love what you did with yours! I am still deciding what to do with mine. The sewing machine inside still works well and will be perfect for teaching my children how to sew. That is a lovely green color...

  29. great redo! I am having a link party tomorrow (Tuesday) and I'd love to see you there!

  30. I think this little table is just perfect and your vignette is so pretty too. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  31. Oh my!! I used to have one of those!! I love the transformation--it looks soooooo much better in that smashing new color!! CUTE!

    my Tabletop thingy is at my Spindlecottage blog and not at my nannykim blog. It is here:

  32. I love this! I especially love that your Goodwill find turned into this!
    We have a Friday Fun Finds party- if you're interested, we'd love it if you'd link to this!

  33. Your little table turned out beautifully. Love that pretty shade of green and you've put together a lovely little vignette.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  34. I love that shade of green. It looks like its alive now.

  35. Love the makeover. What a difference paint can make and I love that color green.

  36. Just became a follower. Love to find other Georgia bloggers!

  37. That looks great especially with the yellow walls and white beadboard. The lace cloth and china finish it off perfect!

  38. I love the transformation! Beautiful! Be blessed. Cindy

  39. My grandma has a sewing machine cabinet she wants me to paint for her...if she sees this she is going to be in a hurry to have me get it done! hehe Thanks for linking up to Anything Related Tuesdays!

  40. I LOVE the colour you painted your cute table. I will keep that one in mind. Thanks for posting.

  41. I absolutely love the color!

    I would love it if you joined my "Saturday is Crafty Day" party on April 24th! Stop by my blog for details.

  42. OK.
    I am now inspired.
    I love white (the name of my blog is White Spray Paint after all), but I do love color.
    Your table looks great.

    I am linking up to some of the same parties.
    Come by if you have time.


    White Spray Paint

  43. Ok-
    I'm back.

    I have a question.
    How did you create your link to a post with all of the weekly parties listed?

    I am now a follower-


    White Spray Paint

  44. yes! way to break out of the box! your re-done table looks amazing :)

  45. I have color phobia, too. In fact, I have painting phobia...always afraid it is going to get botched up! I love you brave girls.

    I like the shade of green of the table. It's perfect. And so is your vignette. I can't believe how well the table goes with the curtains!


  46. Looking good in GREEN...beautiful makeover and thanks for sharing it at NTT!


  47. I have a table identical to yours. I was wondering if I needed to prime before I sprayed it the color. What did you do? Did you sand first so the paint had something to stick too, or were you good to go?
    Thanks for answering all of my nosy queations!
    Please, stop by and say hello!!

  48. Great job on the table and finding a perfect spot for it. Just right. Jane F.

  49. I just LOVE that color! Great job! Thanks for linking up to Ta-dah Tuesday!

  50. Tausha - I lightly sanded it, wiped it off, then sprayed with paint. That was it! Easy Peasy.

  51. Love this! I'm with you in being hesitant with the color thing, but just can't make up my mind about what is the "perfect" color to use. You are making me warm up to it quicker for sure!

  52. I loved this post...and got so carried away on the strawberry dessert below that and almost forgot to comment on the table.
    LOVE this blog!! :)
    I wrote down the color of the paint and the brand. So...thank you. I got a lot out of my visit with you today. I shall return!! :)

  53. Love the table, love the color, perfect home, I am jealous, I am looking for a table just like that~!~

  54. Oh my goodness, that moss green is perfect! I love it.

    Thank you for linking this to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts.

  55. She looks lovely - I particularly love how the bunny and the doily make her seem so springish...

  56. Looks great! I love it with the pretty curtain your mom made. Your kitchen looks so bright and happy!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving me such a sweet comment. :)


  57. Love the color, Sherri! It goes so well with that curtain fabric. Sometimes it's nice to do something other than white, black or brown!

  58. my favorite shade of GREEN!

    cute blog:)

  59. That color is gorgeous. It looks fantastic against your white woodwork and the curtains your mom made.

    Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours Day!

  60. I love your painted table. It's gorgeous!
    God's blessings,
    Sarah :D

  61. Love your table. The color is great.

    Your red barn is beautiful on your header.

    Partying with you tonight.

  62. Great color choice! I keep painting everything black too. I don't know why I'm afraid to try a color. If I don't like they way it turns out, I can always repaint.. with black!! I'll have to pick up a can or two of this. Oh, and would you care to share your veggie pasts salad recipe with me?

  63. Green is my favorite color. Love it!

  64. What a great green! Your salads sounds so yummy too. Thanks for sharing at the POPP.

  65. I LOVE the new color. So pretty and it looks great in its spot. Thanks for the inspiration.

  66. Visitng from Finished for Friday; that icame out great! I have a fear of painting my wood tables, but I know that some of them aren't particularly valuable and I should try it for a little zip. You make it seem so easy it's inspirational!

  67. great makeover! love the green colour.. so country looking..

  68. Such a classic green color. I absolutely love this project, and the accessories you put with it (I want that bunny!!). Thanks so much for linking up to Finished for Friday!

  69. I love your table, it came out so nice. Love the way it pops against the color of your wall. Pretty, pretty...

  70. Oh I love that colour! It is perfect in the spot where you have it, and the curtains really set it off. Great find. Great job!

  71. Great transformation, Sherri! I love the color! You dressed it up so pretty! Love it!


  72. Great table i thought that we were one of the only people with a sewing machine table in our kitchen

  73. What a great idea! I love your new green table! I am so inspired...I want to go buy spray paint!

    Thanks for linking up!

  74. Love your choice of color! Looks great.. my favorite tabletop is with that adorable green pitcher! Thanks for sharing!

  75. That little sewing machine stand has been seen in so many homes over the years.. and you and your spray paint made it so NEW... wonderful color also... nice job!

  76. Very pretty! I love this shade of green! Thanks for linking up with me for Friday Favorites!

  77. That turned out great!! Nice job!

    Thanks for joining my FLaunt it Friday party! Hope to see you back this week. :)

  78. I love how this turned out! Very cute and looks great in your hallway! Your blog is adorable, I'm glad I stopped by!! :)


  79. I love the green table.It´s lovelyyyyy.

  80. That color looks great against the yellow and white and perfect with those curtains. Sometimes picking the right color is the most important part of a makeover.


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~