
Mom's Wedding China

Come on in Ladies.
It's fine dining tonight, featuring my mom's wedding china.
My mom and dad eloped in 1957.  I was born 7 years later!

She had a few showers and received pieces then with other pieces added as holiday gifts.
Notice anything different about my simple kitchen pub table?  Other than it feels totally elegant!
Who could put china out without a tablecloth?
If you remember my previous post, I didn't even OWN a tablecloth.
My new one, only one, was found at Ross last week for $7.99.

When mom sold her house a few years ago and moved into her tiny apartment, she asked if I would like her china and crystal.  Of course I said Yes!  They've been boxed up until now.
Click on the photos for a closer view.

Look at that shine!  Thank goodness I washed them.
The pattern is simple but oh so delicate!
A delight for any Southern Belle.

I wanted to keep the china and crystal center stage, I couldn't find another thing shopping the house
so I used the matching platter to hold candles.
The ribbon around the candle is recycled from a gift.
I also used the coffee cups, because any good Southern Belle knows you serve coffee with your dessert after dinner.

I even set out the creamer and sugar dish.

I do not ever remember eating from these dishes growing up.
They were kept in the china cabinet.
I know they were used at some point.  Maybe years before three little girls were running around the house like tornadoes.

See the very small bowl to the left of the platter?
Not sure what it is actually used for, but I thought lemons
for our sweet tea would be nice.

Mom's good wedding china and crystal sets a pretty romantic table with a few simple candles.

My favorite photo of the night. The crystal has a beautiful etched pattern.

Here's what I used to toss all this together set my elegant Southern fine dining table:
1957 Francisan China from Gladding McBean & Co. ~ Carmel

Mom's wedding crystal also 1957 - unknown source
Silverware - Our everyday
Tablecloth & napkins - Ross
Silver napkin rings - recent yard sale find (a whole bunch of them!)

I hope you enjoyed the wedding china that my mom passed on to me.  It was a joy to share it!
To see more beautiful tablescapes please visit Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday.
I am also linking into Vintage Thingies Thursday at ColoradoLady's blog.  Be sure to check out all the neat vintage items ladies are sharing today.
I am also linking into Finer Things Friday over at The Finer Things in Life because
this is mom's fine china and nothing is really as fine as something passed down in the family.


  1. How pretty!
    It reminds me of the golden wheat pattern my mother had...
    It had one across the front of each piece, as is the flower on yours.
    *I wandered over from Bluebird Notes and then from 'I Need Mom.'
    Fun meme... I'll have to visit each Thursday!

  2. Oh my the china ia so beautiful. I also have a cabinet full of china that I've used maybe 5 times since the 70's!
    Thanks for sharing.


  3. It's too bad it wasn't used more. It reminded me of some china my family had that was in between the everyday Melmac and the good Franciscan china. It came from the grocery store, one of those deals where there was a different piece featured each week.

  4. You have set a beautiful table. The cloths and accessories come with time. I bet you'll find another cloth you like very soon.

  5. OMG lovely and yes, look at that shine!! wow. Everything is so beautiful I wouldnt want to eat off them...or a tablecloth. Id be afraid to spill :)

  6. What a lovely table you've set - looks so nice in the candlelight. I think my grandma had some of that pattern.

  7. There is something SO simple and romantic about eloping! And that china is just as romantic--what a lovely gift she gave you!

  8. love the romantic setting, so pretty and i do like the china,,

  9. What a beautiful pattern and you set such a beautiful table with it. My mom used her china for every holiday dinner, I've used mine once!

  10. Pink and silver are so pretty together. Simple yet elegant.

  11. This reminds me to pull out my wedding china a bit more often!

  12. Beautiful...I love the pattern and what a lovely table this makes. I love how you used the platter to hold the candles. Very pretty.

    Have a great VTT and a wonderful weekend.

  13. Wasn't it fun to play with your mom's china? It set an elegant table, very beautiful.


  14. Thanks for sharing the beautiful china...your table looks lovely. You are one lucky girl to have gotten this gift from your mother.

  15. Your table looks very elegant and I love your china. Please do not pack it up again~it's too beautiful!! And you are too funny. I had a few great laughs!!

    Have a great weekend, my friend!!

  16. Lovely table with beautiful vintage dishes and crystal! Isn't it nice to have family heirlooms?!:)

  17. The china is beautiful, I can only imagine how special that is to you.

    So...what was for dinner?

  18. Lovely! It was made to be used. I think the little bowl is a fruit bowl..My set from 1974 has little bowls too..for fruit, and larger for soup..
    Glad you have them, so pretty and the glasses are beautiful!

  19. Wow -- that is a beautiful set of china. My Mom has several sets of china, but we never registered for any. I wonder how many people don't register for china anymore. Every so often though, it would be nice to have some.

  20. Your table is very lovely and the tablecloth is a good pick!
    You've done a beautiful job and I'm so glad you've shared,

  21. So pretty! I love using beautiful things on a regular basis! I just unpacked a beautiful silver tray that I had been "saving for a special occasion" for 9 years. It looks beautiful with a bowl of flowers on it!

  22. What a lovely gift from your mother! I'm sure she would be pleased that you've shared it with us. It's beautiful!

  23. How nice to have your mother's wedding china. Your table looks lovely.

  24. I love to use my Moms china. It instantly reminds me of all our happy times and family traditions. Your table is beautiful : )

  25. Beautiful! We didn't register for expensive wedding china, hoping to someday inherit or purchase a more antique set. We'll see...

  26. It was cool to see the old china and you are right--it is so shiny. Quiet dainty too. Oh and HEY..Congrats on the tablecloth!

  27. What a great gift for your mom to give you her china. The pattern is simple, yet so very pretty.

  28. Finally making the rounds of VTT---on Sunday, no less. I love the shine of your china---in the closeup, it just gleams, and the pink of the tulip is enticing.

    Just lovely. What a treasure to have from your Mom.


  29. How beautiful, Sheri. I just love china. I was fortunate enough to get my Granmother's china set but I never use it.

  30. My mother and both materrnal and paternal grandmothers, saved the Golden Wheat dishes for my "hope chest". Over the years I picked up odd dishes when I found them and now have about 12 place settings. I get them out every Thanksgiving and every time I have guests. Brent's wife

  31. Very nice China! Similar to a set (well not a set) that I found at the Goodwill for a Tea Party, but mine is blue! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and the color for the Powder Room is Toasty6095 by Sherwin Williams. If you would like, please come back by and enter my giveaway!

  32. I'm sorry, I see that you DID enter the giveaway!!! Silly me...


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