
Halls and Hope

Remember my kitchen from last weeks make over?  That ugly wallpaper was throughout my hallway too!  Although my favorite color IS blue ...I hated this stuff for years!  When it was stripped from the kitchen, I also took the hallways down to bare naked ladies.  Being cheap thrifty, I decided to paint the hallway instead of putting up bead board. 

The yellow on top is a bit lighter than the kitchen.  Used the same molding.  Now I have to tell you I LOVE this brown, it's soft and warm.  But the first  brown color I brought home looked like dog pooh! I kid you NOT!  It was WAY too dark.  As I have professed before, I am horrible with picking out paint colors.  Thankfully I could return the paint and it became oops; although I have no idea who would want dog pooh walls! To each their own, I say.

Once the walls were painted I noticed the vent covering my air filter was simply gross.  Rusty, dingy, disgusting.  A 20x20 sore thumb in my new hallway. I didn't know how I would replace it, as I'm not really that handy.  A few weeks ago it finally dawned on me to PAINT it. DUH!  So I picked up some spray paint (Rust-oleum Cream Satin) at Home Depot, pulled off the door and sprayed it.  It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination.  Yet, it looks cleaner and is a far cry from it's previous state.  Don't look too close, as there is already dust gathering in it!

Please visit over at Between Naps on the Porch for other great makeover projects shared on Met Monday!
Then we have ....
Remember when girls used to have Hope chests?  A hope chest, dowry chest, cedar chest, or glory box is a chest used to collect items of clothing or household linen, by unmarried young women in anticipation of married life. (Wikipedia).  Do young girls collect and fill those anymore?

While out at the annual Highway yard sale with my teen daughter this weekend.  One of our 17 purchases was this:

A very old, very loved solid wooden trunk about the size of a foot locker.  I saw it and said, "Oh this has so much potential, but I have no where to put it.".  My daughter said, "Mom, get it. I will paint it and use it in my room!".  So this little trunk came home with us for a thrifty little price of $8.

There's a lot of hope in this little trunk.  A mom's hope that her almost 18 year old daughter will catch the fix it up, be thrifty, make do, re-do bug.  Wouldn't it be a joy to share and work on projects together?!  A hope that she will also find her own treasures to fill her life.  Hopefully this will be something we can share with you on another Met Monday soon.  Today it will be linked up in Rhoda's (last of this season) Thrifty Treasures party.  Check out her blog for many more wonderful thrifty finds!  Be sure to drop by in throughout the week as I continue to share my yard sale finds.

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  1. I love the trunk and I hope that you and your daughter have a great time making it over. It's so wonderful to be able to share similar loves like taking gorgeous old things and making new memories with them. Please do post pictures once you are done with it, would love to see.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Your hall looks fabulous. It is so nice to have nice new paint on things. Your vent turned out great too. I love the trunk. I hope your daughter does catch the "bug". It really is fun to share these things. Hugs Marty

  3. Hi Sherri, I never had a Hope Chest..I know this old one will turn out great after some work by the two of is hard to pick out the right color paint.. I made my husband repaint our living-room twice before I liked the color... Have a good day.... Baba

  4. Your hall turned out great! Vent too!! You and your daughter will make memories redoing the chest! The she can begin the fun of filling it! :~)

  5. Your kitchen and hall look great! It's always amazing the difference paint can make! I bet your trunk will look great with a little too!!!

  6. Good morning,
    It seems we have been doing the same thing. Painting our halls. I am terrible picking out colors too. I am very influenced by their names.
    I hope you and your daughter will redo that chest together. That would be fun for the both of you.

    Thank you for visiting my Blue Monday post.


  7. I can't wait to see the trunk after it has been redone.

  8. A lot of work, but looks like a job well done. I need to be doing a lot of that. Glad you felt like stopping by my place.

  9. I have a hallway I've hated but lived with for 4 may be contagious! :) LOVE the trunk!!

  10. Your hallway looks wonderful and I I know you are enjoying the new fresh look! Great idea with the vent thingee...and the IS it's techincal term...vent thingee. *laugh*
    The trunk is so great. I love it!
    My parents lived for years in Crossville, TN and the Highway Yard Sale ran right through it.
    I spent many a happy weekend with them looking!
    I would love to get back down there next year!


  11. Your paint colors look fantastic together. We all have a few paint oopses in our history!

  12. The hall looks wonderful! I usually paint those vent covers the same color as the wall.The trunk is wonderful! Yes, that would be fun to be able to share projects together!


  13. Hey Lady. I'm so glad you are back to blogging. I missed you.

  14. Both of your paint job came out gorgeous, Sherri and Ic an't wait tos ee the chest painted too. Good job!...Christine

  15. Oh what fun you guys had! I bet she'll catch (if she hasn't already) caught the frugal bug. My mom used to take my sister and I on shopping trips and both of us got it from her for sure!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~