
Saturday 'junk' treasure hunting

What kind of 'treasure hunting' did you do today ? My daughter and I hit the local Flea Market this morning. Apparently due to the gorgeous weather and warmer temps, so did almost the entire county population. It was bumper to bumper human traffic. We stopped off at my favorite booth, a lady that makes homemade breads. She always has samples and you always get some 'extra' bread when you buy something. We selected the banana bread and some fresh hoagie style rolls that can also be sliced in half to make french toast for tonight's dinner. Then we wondered around looking for junk treasure finds. I felt like a pirate! Har Har! I found several treasure worthy objects, but wasn't sure on pricing of them; so passed a few by. Then we found this little gem:

It is a IronStone platter, stamped Made in the USA on the back by the Designer Group. I honestly have no idea of it's real value. However, I picked it up to give it a looksie at the booth. The old man said, that is one dollar. SOLD! I couldn't pull my $1 out fast enough! He goes on to say, "That came out of an Antique Store and is worth way more than a dollar". I am sure he is correct. Happy me!

My daughter and I headed back towards the house for some lunch. She said her insides were trying to eat her outsides she was so hungry. Wow, that is amazing! In fact, I thought for a moment to allow her hunger to linger so I could see that feat in action.

As we were coming through town I decided to stop at a place called the Fabric Peddler hoping to find some odds and ends of lace. This is an old warehouse type building right on the railroad tracks. To my surprise they have turned half of the building into a place called 'feathers & twigs'. A vintage furnishing spot. The ideas and displays were AMAZING. The staff delightful. I didn't end up with any purchases today but lots of inspiration abounds there. It is a unique find in my small town!

After my lunch of a banana sandwich. (Anyone else grow up eating naner sandwiches?) I headed out to the Antique Mall with my friend, Kelli here visiting from Atlanta. I spotted a small table months ago that would be perfect in my Living room, that I passed on purchasing. Of course, it was gone. I did however find some other little items that delighted me at a steal of a deal. Today's Antique Mall finds:

The heart shaped wire thing with a handle was labeled a 'rug beater'. It was $3.95. I also picked up two doilies at $1 each, a bag of doilie type 'lace' for 50 cents; the glass jar of lace and trim for $2; two thread cones for 50 cents each, an old glass bottle for 50 cents and that little wooden crate they are all displayed on ... 50 cents.

A beautiful sunny warm day. Several treasures 'junk' finds for a grand total spent today of $11.65! Met new junk treasure lovers at 'feathers & twigs'. Had fun at the Flea Market with my teenage daughter. Yet, the highlight had to be while checking out at the Antique Mall. I spotted a butter mold under the glass check out counter. I asked the owner out of curiosity how much it was priced. It is $95! Identical to the one on my five dollar find shelf! You can see it in this post . The butter mold I own was my grandmothers and passed to me from my Mom. I was totally shocked to find out it is worth almost one hundred dollars! I would never sell it, but it was an "Antique Road Show" moment! PRICELESS!


  1. Hi Sherri. Congratulations, you won second place in the fabric giveaway at my blog! I'll let you know which set the first place person selects so you can make your selection. Please send your address to modernjax [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks!

  2. no way!! I so need to go to a flea market. sounds like you had a great time!

    Jen Allyson

  3. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog and putting me on your get two entries in my giveaway. Good luck!
    I just last week bought a whole set of ironstone dishes at Goodwill for about $40. They were made in Japan and best I can tell came from Sears circa 1968, but I couldn't really find out if they were worth anything and I didn't really need them, so I returned them. I did keep the cream and sugar and chop plate. Some day I'll probably find out that they were worth hundreds. :/

  4. You know I don't have to say it, but I will anyway: I'm so totally jealous of your fabulous finds!

    Picture me, pea green with envy!

  5. Love your ideas and as a fellow junker, I must tell you that I am slightly jealous because just when I think that I am somewhat creative, I am reminded that I should keep my job as a "picker"
    Keep it up.....


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~