
I love old things...

Other than thrifty finds at junk stores and antique malls, I love old barns and old houses. My daughter is usually the photographer. She made this photo Saturday for me, as we stopped along side the road.We have made quick stops along the roads for several years now, just to snap a picture. This was a barn on our holiday trip to Illinois. We made several different barn photos, this is my favorite:

I had it printed today and framed it in one of the 88 cent junk store frames that I painted white. It is now hanging in my Inspiration Studio. I like how the light is fading, there is just a ting of color due to the snow and white barn. The photo almost appears to be a black and white.

One more barn photo, made several years ago locally. We actually got 'caught' making this one! The little lady of house came out and asked us what we were doing. It helps when a 'child' was snapping the camera.

On the home front, it was an eventful day. My mom stopped by and dropped off some photos. She also got the grand tour of my new bargain finds and the studio makeover 'reveal' to her. Then I ran into town to pick up my pictures at Walgreens with a side trip to Goodwill. Found 3 chair cushions in blue to go in my studio for $2.92 each. I've been looking for weeks and did NOT want to pay a lot for them. Now all I need are two blue pillow shams and I'm done with the room! I also did a little crafty painting on some new projects, oh and laundry.

Dinner was by request of my daughter. Chicken salad, with grapes and fresh rolls that I picked up yesterday at the Flea Market. Warm weather today and a summer time plate.


  1. It is sooo nice to meet you Sherri! I loved my visit to your blog tonight and am adding you to my Blog Candy list... the barn photos are wonderful!

  2. i looove barn photos!! i've been snapping them for years myself........tho mine are still on the hard drive, what a great display they would make with different frames but painted all the same, they could be displayed seasonly ... now you have me onto another project! hehehe

  3. Hi Sherri!

    Oh I have a passion for old barns as well. Whenever I am driving a see a "odd" looking barn, I envision what it would be like to make a "home" out of the "hay loft" part and the bottom for whatever - perhaps a stable - not sure about the smell! :) There is a rock barn close to us that I keep envisioning a house. Oh to dream!

  4. Hi Sherri,
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving the sweet comments. I came by to visit your blog. I love old barns and old houses too. These pictures remind me of when I was a little girl staying at my Aunt and Uncle's house out in the country.
    Nice to meet you...come by any time.

  5. Hi Sherri,
    The barn photos are wonderful. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. We seem to have some things in common for sure!

  6. OK, I'll trade you the pancake for the chicken salad plus roll, that sounds amazing! It's snowing here today, so I could use a little summertime snack. Super cute blog.....just looking around some more :)

  7. hi there!
    oh - i LOOOOVe your blog - what fun!
    the barn pics are fab! and i sooo wanna hang out with you!
    we'd for sure be bff's! i want your white plate --- with chicken salad, of course!
    i have you "followed" now - aka - i'm now a total stalker!
    kisses and cupcakes,
    * '


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~