
Weekend Wonders

Wonder what I've been up to? I've been a BUSY girl!

Kelli and I went scouting yesterday ~ a small antique mall and another trip to the junk store. My antique store find was this:

I wasn't sure where it would 'land' in the house. I just thought it was too cute, at a price that could not be beat! $5.00!!! It is now on the wall in my kitchen. Of course, I went 'shopping in the house' for a few items to keep it company.

Wonder what I picked up at the junk store this time? I got something REALLY cute for 3 bucks. Sorry, you'll have to wait to see it. I know, wonder why I am such a tease eh?
Wonder what I did next? Well, with my daughter and Kelli's wonderful assistance; the prep work for some makeover painting on last week's junk store finds:

Four solid wood frames (88 cents each) and a long mirror ($2.00). All of these will find a home in my Inspiration Studio. (Notice the name of my room keeps changing?). Wonder what that is in the lower corner? A bulletin board that also was painted white. I have 3 matching ones from a long ago purchase. So they are getting painted and will go in my studio over my desk.
Here are the frames after spray paint fumes that filled the air:
I love that these frames are solid and each a bit different! Can't wait to pick out photos, which will be matted and then arranged with the mirror on one wall in my studio.
Wonder what else I did? Cause that isn't all.

I cooked homemade chicken pot pie for dinner. Yummy and EASY!
Wonder what time I went to bed last night? Let's just say it was morning hours! Wonder why I did that when I had to work Preview Day at the U today? Me too!
Oh and yesterday I decided my fireplace mantel needed a makeover. A friend commented a few weeks ago that the same exact picture had hung over my mantel the ENTIRE time I have lived in this house. Which is exactly twelve and a half years! Wonder why I haven't changed it? Well now I have! I shopped the house, but still needed something. So after greeting parents and prospective students today... I snuck off to TJMaxx, Ross and Tuesday Morning. Nothing really jumped out at me. Still not sure it's exactly what I want the mantel to look like but here it is:

The mirror is something I picked up years ago at an antique auction. It has resided on my bedroom wall since. Yet, I rearranged my bedroom after moving out my craft table into the now studio. The mirror was out of place and not really suited for my room any longer. The candle stands are today's find at Ross for $6.99. The bird came from Pier1 clearance for around $2.50 last weekend. In fact, everything up there except the mirror and todays purchase was a clearance find at some point! Yes, I have friends that have lovingly called me the clearance rack queen. I can smell a clearance isle when I walk in the front door of a store!
With that I will leave you with this quote today:
If we take the time to gather together the moments and opportunities we too often discard and waste, we find we can weave them into something beautiful.
I wonder what YOU have weaved into something beautiful? Please share it with me ~ a moment, a meal, a family activity, a unique thrifty find. Beauty is everywhere around us. We just have to take the time to see it...feel it...and realize it IS indeed there.
Hope you had a WONDERful weekend!


  1. Hey Sherri, you won my blog drawing! Email me with your snail mail addy and I'll pop those goodies in the post to you.
    Love your quote. You know my penchant for reworking a thrifty find. Just today I was turning vintage buttons into push pins to send out to some swappers. They're so darned cute I want to keep them all to myself!

  2. Hi Sherry, thanks for your comment! I know having a police officer in the family can be scary at times, I was married to one for 11 years and my son is going to test for Cadets in April. I hope your son is always safe and thank him for doing his job, because I know it can be a thankless job sometimes.

    I love your mantel and your frames! Very neat!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~