
Champagne finds on a beer budget...

In November I purchased a coffee table for my living room. Partly because I was hosting Thanksgiving for 18 people in my home with the need for more table space and in part because I haven't had a coffee table in years due to kids, space, living room arrangement. Of course, I was on the hunt for something that worked, yet was inexpensive. I found this coffee table at a local antique mall marked $60. It is solid wood in better than good condition. Just happens the owner of the booth was there that day. I told him I was interested in the table and he said he would 'make me a deal'. He asked what the table was marked I told him. To which he replied, I'll sell it to you for $30. SOLD! I would have rather had a rectangle table, but this wooden oval at that price would work. It also matched the colors of my other furniture in the room. Bonus. No fix up work, great deal. Got it home and this is the photo. DANG, I NEED a rug to break up the color.

This is a BEAUTIFUL rug from Neiman Marcus:
It is 5x8, a bit larger than I'd like and also $446! So I hit the local TJMaxx and found a similar rug, a bit smaller; 3.5x5 for $29.99! This is my rug:

Along the same colors (the grey/blue is lighter in real life) and a lot better DEAL!
I'm not a huge rug lover. So I didn't want a large overpowering rug in the living room. This one works perfectly for me. Added a clearance accent bowl from Cato's (yes the clothing store) that ties in the current colors in my room: blue, burgundy and tans; along with natural wood tones.

Although it actually began in late September with moving my daughter into my son's 'old' room and a total makeover for her; this year is about getting my house organized and made over into things I LOVE; not just things. I am still figuring out my 'style' and that is ok. I am loving the process along with the bargain hunting!

Today I am off to pick up spray paint to revamp some junk store finds into wall decor for my Craft Studio; plus to haunt a thrift/junk store in a neighboring town.
My house isn't perfect. Heck, my life is FAR from perfect! I am not perfect and wouldn't want to be. Yet I have learned to love life's imperfections. It makes us all wonderfully amazing individuals. So I leave you with this thought today, as I head out looking for junk treasures with their imperfections that give them a unique appeal. It makes me happy and that is what matters most. Loving the imperfections.


  1. Great table, and defenately looks better with the rug, nice find by the way!

  2. Oooh, love the thrifty finds! Who wants perfect? That's sterile. You have a home that's uniquely you.

  3. Hi, Sherri, thanks for coming by! So nice to meet you & I can see we have a lot in commong. Love the thrifty finds & projects you've been doing. Please come back to see me often!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~