
Happy Valentine's Day!

It's really all about the Love right?  
Not the commercial side of Valentine's Day.  However, there will be small candy hearts for Bear and Leah today.  It's a secret, but the Farmer and Bear have been 'not so secretly' working on homemade Valentine cards.  Sweet!  
I joined a Valentine's swap via blogland and InstaGram. My first ever mug swap through Sew Caroline and Rags to Stitches. I had the pleasure of being paired up to swap with Thuy at My Paper Pinwheel.  Thuy is a mom of 2 adorable boys and is the sweetest swap partner!  I was thrilled the day I opened my mailbox and my mug swap was here!
I couldn't wait and rushed in to open it!  Look what greeted me: adorable bright happy paper and a sweet tiny card.
Everything was tucked in and arrived safely.
Thuy wrapped it up just as cheerful.
Tiny packages of fun.  Here is all my loot:
I was totally spoiled by Thuy!  Washi tape, a hello stamp, my fav candy, socks, note pad, adorable set of traveling coffee cups, pencils, heart suckers and last but NOT least...
this AMAZING coffee mug from  Anthropologie!!!  My very first Anthro item.  I loved every sweet little thing.
And just in case you are wondering, here is my package to Thuy.
THANKS to Caroline and Alissa for such a fun swap! I'm so glad I was able to participate and have made a new friend in Thuy.


  1. those anthro mugs are the best!! xoxo

  2. Ah, love that anthro mug! You both did great!

  3. Looks like you received a fun package full of goodies in the mail :) Now that's what I call a happy mail day! Happy Valentine's Day, Sherri!

  4. Woo hoo, you got a bunch of goodies!! I really love that monogrammed mug!! Your farm looks beautiful by the the cows!!

    Thank you for stopping by and yes, Sunflowers are glorious!!

  5. you got some great goodies! love that mug too!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~