
Wow, it's 2013 already!

Where have the days gone?!  I really enjoyed a little over two weeks off from work to relax and soak in our holidays.  Really hating that saying that all good things must come to an end, because it was back to work on January 2nd.  

Don't misunderstand me, I am ever so grateful I have a job and a job that I enjoy.  We've started the new semester at the University, but before classes began this week; I was standing on this stage giving a presentation to over 350 new incoming students.
Every first few days of semesters are whirlwind busy, like battling a tornado in a corner.  Yet, there is something very satisfying to watch today's youth chase their educational dreams.

I've been posting some of my Goodwill outfits over on Design to Shine's Facebook page.  Watch soon for a post of recent finds and outfits I've thrown together in a mad morning rush.  Plus I am hoping to do a few posts on building a solid thrift wardrobe!  Is that something anyone would be interested in reading?

No written resolutions for me this year, although I have a few tucked in my brain.  ;-)

I signed up for a Valentine mug swap via snail mail.  Exciting!  Who doesn't like a fun package in the mail?!
You fill out a very short survey, provide your information and then swap!  Can you believe when asked what type candy I like it took FOREVER for me to decide? It's not that I am really *that* picky, it's just that I don't really purchase a lot of candy.  My favorite mini candy treat are the individually wrapped small Reese's peanut butter cups.  Just the right size and not too much.  I keep them in the frig occasionally and have them for cravings.  Other than that my only other sweet treat favorites are usually chocolate chip cookies, homemade fresh pound cake and banana pudding.  LOL  Can you imagine shipping banana pudding in the mail?  Just made myself laugh.

When asked where I like to shop, uh THRIFT!  Although I don't think that is exactly what the organizers meant.

If you would like to join the swap, you still have time.  Check out the details at Sew Caroline or Rags to Stitches.

How is 2013 treating you?

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