
Southern Sunflower Seeds

I'm blogging again!  Because of HUGE life changes and adjustments, I haven't had much time to devote to making over old stuff or snapping photos of my continued Goodwill finds.  Life is busy and we have re-evaluated everything.  The Farmer and I have had long conversations.  We want to get 'back to our roots'.   Not that we have lived far from them.  Life to us, isn't about how much we have or the amount in our bank accounts.  We deeply desire the 'simple life'.  A slower life.  Not really an easier life.  Because I can confess, life on the farm is HARD WORK!  But it's fun and rewarding in ways I'm not sure mere words can describe.

So this is my notification that Design to Shine may have fewer posts (not that I have posted often this year!).  I am however, blogging again at Southern Sunflower Seeds.
My posts will be about the life we are building on our small farm.  Our animals and why we have them, how we care for them and how they are giving back to us.  Along with farm recipes, cooking and menu planning.

I will share some farm makeovers when they happen and things about how we are celebrating the holidays, simply down on the farm life and more.

This blog won't disappear.  I still have the longing to 'shine' my light, just in a different manner that doesn't leave me feeling I have to post, or have a new craft project, junk makeover or Goodwill outfit to share.  I sincerely cherish each and every blogger I've had the joy to read, that has followed or I have gotten to know through Design to Shine.  You will never know how much each one of you have meant to me.  I hope to still check in.  I'm not going anywhere!

So if you are interested, I would love to have you join me while I share our small family farm adventures.  Here is the link, once again:
Southern Sunflower Seeds


  1. I am following your new blog, and can't wait to follow along as you enjoy a simpler life:)

  2. I will be there too, following you and congrats on choosing the simpler life. Have fun and a pleasent Thanksgiving! Carol


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~