
Free Advertisement for Your Blog!

What you talking 'bout Sherri!?!  Ain't nothing FREE in life.  Well, you are right ...sort of.  I have decided to do what some other blogs call a Sponsorship Swap beginning in March.
If you are asking yourself what is a Sponsorship Swap, no worries, I did too!  So get out your reading glasses (if ya need 'em).  Cause I've got the details:

  • We would swap Blog Buttons and both post them under Sponsors on our side bar.  My button on your blog and yours on mine.  The side bar is that thing over on the right hand side of my blog >>
  • I will tweet out a link to your blog via Twitter on Friday's; which in Twitter land is known as Follow Friday (#FF).  If you have a Twitter, I would ask that you do the same.
  • I will also feature your blog on my blog's Facebook Fan page.  Now is a GREAT time to follow along my musings on Facebook. :-)  Same applies to this, share the love via a link on your fan page.
  • PLUS, you have the option of being a GUEST poster here at Design to Shine, doing a Giveaway or promotion for your shop/etsy store during the month of March.

I'm so Nervous about all of this!  Seriously.  It's a new venture for me but I thought it's a great opportunity to help out my wonderful blog readers drive traffic to each other's blogs.  So if you have some other ideas for the month regarding the swap, feel free to make suggestions.  The sponsorship would start March 1st for the entire month; so if you are interested email me at .

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Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~