
Easy Menu Plan 2.26.12

Do you ever get in a rut where you just don't feel like cooking?  Here's the cold hard truth.  I so feel the above question for the last couple of weeks.  I may or may not have strayed off the meal plan track last week.  Bet you know which, huh?  A dear reader posted a comment last week and asked how I do it 'all'.  Sometimes the best laid plans just simply don't stop life from happening.  However, having a plan sure helps.  At least I know the groceries are in the house, even if I end up serving a frozen pizza.  ;-)  So this week's plan is on the easy side.
Sunday - Fend for yourself.  Trust me, no one went hungry.
Monday - Crock pot roast with potatoes
Tuesday - Roast beef gravy (using leftover beef) over loaf bread
Wednesday - Mac-n-Cheese with steamed broccoli
Thursday - French Toast
Friday - Pizza (possibly frozen or take out)
For more ideas check out Menu Plan Monday
What are you cooking up this week? 
This busy mom needs to know! ;-)


  1. Our weekly menu looks like this:
    Sunday- Baked Chicken Parmesan via

    Monday- Diet Coke BBQ Chicken & Green Beans

    Tuesday- Rotisserie Chickcen & Steamed Cabbage

    Wednesday- Our "fend for yourself" day

    Thursday- Tacos

    Friday- Eat dinner out.

    Saturday- Pizza Crescent Rolls from Pinterest

  2. Hahaha! I love the picture at the top of this post. I'm not a good cook, and after some failed attempts, people around me BEGGED me not to cook anymore for the sake of their health. Hence, I blog, not cook, hehehe...
    Perhaps I'll take up learning how to cook again once I have a family. Now I only have myself to feed, so I'm not very motivated to cook at this moment, except for some basic recipes.

    Visit me:
    LeeAnne, Style N Season

  3. Mmmmmm, pot roast sounds awfully delish...That might have to go on our menu this week! And thanks so much for linking up to Monday Mingle last week. I hope you'll join us again!

  4. I hear ya, Sherri. Sometimes I can't stand to even look at the kitchen. But then I have more energetic times, so I figure it all balances out in the end. You have to give yourself a break once in awhile, huh?


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~