
Is Your Life a Raging Storm?

Does your life feel as if you are living in the middle of a fierce thunder storm, complete with tornado warnings?
  • Unhappy, Just blah or Depressed?  (dark feelings of clouds looming overhead)
  • Moving too fast or lost in which direction to go?  (like the whirling of winds)
  • Your core self is shaken (Rolling Thunder)
  • Anxiety/Anger? (lightening)
  • Tears (Rain)
Where is your Rainbow?

Abraham Lincoln said, "People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be."   Do you notice how other's attitudes 'rub off' on you?  Like that one person that never has anything good to say.  Everything in their life is UNhappy.  Now we ALL have bad days.  And bad things happen to good people.  However, I sincerely believe I choose to be happy.  My attitude is MY choice.  I can wallow in the bad; which I have done or I can focus on the good.  If life gets crazy, if I allow others to hurt my feelings, when I feel the clouds looming and hear the thunder rumbling into my life...I remind myself.  It's my choice. 

Ralph Marston says this:  Let the experience of each moment come, and then let it go. Rest assured that the goodness will stay with you always, because you love it so. Be now in spirit where you would most like to be. Imagine waves of pure joy as they carry you along. Somewhere within you, all is well, no matter when, no matter what. Feel the peace of knowing the beauty of who you truly are.

I stumbled across a collection of writings for women by women. Reading the stories has made me re-evaluate.  Which I do often in my life.  The bottom line is... It is up to me to make myself happy, my choice to choose every day and I AM ENOUGH.

Read, hear, let it sink into your mind, your heart and your soul: 
Link to the  HERE

"Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties." - Helen Keller


  1. Fabulous post, Sherri. I am definitely coming back to go to your link. Thanks so much for the encouraging words we all need to hear.


  2. I love that quote!! Great post :)
    I'm your newest follower from the Blog Hop Extravaganza!
    Hope you can hop over to say hi :)

    Shopper Gal


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~