

Some may have noticed my absence.  Others may not have missed the postings in your blog roll.  I know I have missed you, your blogs and the joy of blogging.  Let me catch you up by saying...for two consecutive years life taught me many lessons in the month of May.  So much so, I've joked with my closest friends that I am skipping the month of May in 2011. Gosh darn though life travels so fast, that I am not sure I would like giving up 31 days...maybe just a month long trip to Hawaii or ... somewhere.
Maya Angelou said ~
You may encounter many defeats,
but you must not be defeated.
In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats,
so you can know who you are,
what you can rise from,
how you can still come out of it.

Being absent from May 2010 was not an option.  For within the struggles of my life there were also triumphs.
My baby girl graduated from High School!
 Leah (in black) ~ Class of 2010
Mom was thrilled and thankful!

We had some 'girl time' together. Then she has spread her wings, being a Maid of Honor in one of her closest friend's recent wedding.
 I am having a tad of those empty nest feelings along with the oh wow! I've got more 'me' time.
Not that an active teen doesn't stay on the go so much as to leave the house plenty of quiet time.
Then she went to work.  A 'real' job.
Another surprise to me.  She likes it!  She really really does!
Most days.  ;-)
Oh and she cut her hair, all her own decision.
She looks older.  And still goofy.
And she will ALWAYS always be my 'baby girl'.
 So I am BACK!  Renewed.  Ready for a REVIVAL to SHINE!


  1. Welcome back Sherri! I noticed you were gone. Then I thought I received a sign when your magazine subscription came in the mail yesterday. I thought something was seriously wrong. Glad to see that everything is okay and you're back with us here in blogland!

    Take care!

  2. You go girl!! And I have missed you. But I'm glad your back. You have such a great spirit and I love that!!

    Your daughter is beautiful. She looks like you!


  3. Welcome back! Glad to see you :)

  4. I kept on checking because I am waiting to see what you do with those green leg tables!

    Welcome back. :-)


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~