

Please form a single line for autographs. ;-)
I've hit the Big Time now!
I received an email from a bloggin friend, Laurie over at Indulge Your Shelf,
wondering if she could use one of my ideas in writing an article.
Why, of course, I replied.
I am flattered!
If you'd like to read the article about Garden container fun at thrift store prices.
Then check it out at  <<< Just click that.  ;-)
Thanks Laurie for the mention.
 What time do ya'll think my limo will be around to pick me up for dinner?
Shucks I just checked under the carport and all I saw was this
image from Chevrolet
Momma always said don't get too big for your britches.
Oh well, a girl can dream!


  1. Congratulations, I think it's great! It's nice to feel appreciated!

  2. Fabulous! It is so nice to be appreciated! Congratulations!

  3. Can I get a "Whoot Whoot!"
    Good for you Sherrie - you totally deserve it! Enjoy your day in the sun!

  4. Oh Sherrie! I just read the examiner and you DID hit the big time!! So excited for you!

  5. Congrats! You are funny! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the nice comments!

  6. Woo hoo! Good for you!

    Actually, can I borrow the limo when you're not using it? I don't quite have my own yet. . . .

    Actually, I clicked over and read the article in the Examiner. I thought the photo of your arrangement was the prettiest in the article! Congratulations!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~