

 See past the REALLY bad photo!
Living life simply. What does that really mean? The following words say it best for me:

We live in a complex world, it seems, and it's important that we learn how to deal in complexities if we're to survive and thrive in this world. That seems to be what people want us to believe, anyway. The truth of the matter is, though, that we live in a pretty simple world--but we've rejected simplicity in order to "improve" our lives and make things "better" for ourselves. We've complicated our lives by buying more things to fill our house that's too big for us, by taking out many credit accounts in order to buy more things that we don't have the money for yet, by committing ourselves to many causes and activities and rejecting the possibility of having time to ourselves to rest and relax and recharge our energy levels.

Life is simple, and only through the simple can we truly accomplish the marvelous.

The Spanish have a wonderful saying: "No me compliques la vida." It means simply, don't complicate my life. Keep things simple. That doesn't mean that they avoid the complicated when it's necessary to face it, but that they realize that the many simple things in life truly do not need to be complicated, for they're marvelous just as they are; they need no change or improvement. ~ From, Living Life Fully

I picked up the framed word at a HomeGoods store, last year. Clearance price of $3. I placed it above my stove in the kitchen. On the horribly 'dated' back splash. I see it every day.  In the mornings when I make my cup of coffee.  In the evenings as I prepare our meals.  

I have been trying to simplify my life over the last couple of years. Even though my children would tell you we've always lived simply!  Simple living.  Less is more in the house, with a lot of stuff still left to GO!  My life season is changing.  I have a teenage daughter, my baby, graduating from High School in May.  This will be a huge adjustment for us both.  Although I doubt she will be flying from the nest anytime soon. 
My beautiful silly daughter
I also have been blessed to have a wonderful partner enter my life.  I feel this was all in God's timing, His plan.  Not mine.  His perfect timing.  Because of this, my posts have slowed a bit.  Plus Georgia has had all types of wet, soggy, wintery weather hampering my painting projects!  I'm SO ready for Spring! Like this:
 A recent trip to the Flea Market landed some items that I can't wait to redo into decor for the house.  We are also planning to paint our living room and purchase a different sofa.  So LOTS of new things are in the works, as soon as the weather permits.  Of course, I want to do it on the cheap  a budget and keep it Simple!

Tell me how YOU and your family are Simplifying!  Keeping it Simple?  What do you do?


  1. I look forward to seeing your budget revamped finds.

  2. The question at our house is: "Is this a need or a want?". That keeps it very simple. Love your sign!

  3. It's good to "see" you -- you'll have to tell us more about this partner of yours so we can share the joy! I do like your message: simple is best.

  4. I am motivated to simplify (clean out the junk) but overwhelmed. lol I have my hands full with 'spring cleaning'. We keep things simple around here too.


  5. Yay for the new love! Such a wonderful thing, and it's understandable that you wouldn't want to spend all of your time on the computer.

    Simplicity is so easy and yet so hard. Like the quote says, it's really all about choices. :)


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~