
Cherish Everything....

Word for 2010
Yes, I'm running late!  Have ya read the past few blogs where life has really tossed in a few mishaps?
Several years ago, Ali Edwards began a trend in
the scrapbook world.
A single word to focus on for the entire year.
You can read about her process here.
The last 2 years my word has been 'shine'.
Go figure!?!
Last year I tried to embrace another word.
No other word came to mind.
Or felt 'right'.  Know what I mean?
Reflecting on 2009, I now know why.
God had a lot more polishing to do with me,
in order to get me to the 'shine'.
A little quiet time this year and my word came easily.
~ C H E R I S H ~
To continue to SHINE.... I am Cherishing EVERY moment this year.
Every. LITTLE. thing.
Defining Cherish.
Well the dictionary says:
  1. a: to treat with affection and tenderness; to hold dear  b:  to keep or cultivate with care and affection, to protect and love
  2. to entertain or harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely
Treating others with affection, cultivating with care, protecting, loving is sure to bring out the shine!
Although to entertain doesn't really mean to entertain my family and friends; that most certainly will cultivate a feeling of being cherished to them.
So Cherish works for me in 2010!
~Cherish the moments, for they become a lifetime of memories.
~Cherish my children, for they have grown up so fast.
~Cherish a job, that I truly enjoy.
~Cherish that God has placed the right person in my life at just the right time.
And I FEEL cherished.
~Cherish the joy in my life.

Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it ~
Ninon de Lenclos 
What will you Cherish today??????

I'm joining in on Your Life, Your Blog over at Real Life.  Check it out!
It's a share your life, something about you blog party.


  1. I like your word... I was wondering if you had ever decided on one... Knew you had lots going on... Hope your finger is much better and your friend's back is healing well! Love ya!

  2. You have picked the perfect word. I remember last year the 'word choosing' going around blogland. If I did choose a word, I have forgotten it. Not proud of that. Cherish? My family, of course. Without them I would have nothing.

    Thanks for the inspiration Sherri, and all my best wishes for a great year!!

  3. What a beautiful idea. Both "shine" and "cherish" are wonderful concepts to incorporate into our daily lives.

    Several years ago the idea of a family mission statement was very popular. I told my husband we should make one, he rolled his eyes and said "just survive". I said come on, I'm serious. He was too. I think it's time to rethink that one as so much has changed since then. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. thank you so much for your encouragement!

  5. Cherish is such a GREAT word! Thank you for sharing your thoughts about it. I am cherishing health.


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~