
A Quick Sweet Tater Recipe

Mom makes the best Sweet Potato Souffle.
The photo is from my phone.  Mom is making two of these this week.
Today she served this (and a heck of a lot more!) at her old folks apartment luncheon.
Mom asked if I wanted to stop by.  Well, of course!  Who wants to miss out on good cooking?
Thought I would share the recipe.  You still have time to serve this for Thanksgiving!

Sweet Potato Soufflé

Sweet potatoes, cooked  (6+ depends on size)
¾ stick of butter
2 eggs
1 small can pet evaporated milk
1 ½ cups sugar

Mix – put in a pyrex dish and cook 15-20 minutes

1 cup crushed corn flakes
½ cup chopped nuts
½ cup light brown sugar
¾ stick butter (melted)

Mix and put on top of sweet potatoes; brown in oven for a few minutes.

So what is one of your favorite Thanksgiving recipes?
Linking in to Beauty and Bedlam's Tasty Tuesday.
Serenity Now Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up


  1. Sherri~~

    This sounds delicious. I could live on sweet potatoes alone. Thanks so much for the recipe!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!


  2. I love sweet potatoes -- using corn flakes on the top sounds wonderful!

  3. wow...this recipe sounds fabulous !

    happy thanksgiving :)

  4. I absolutely love sweet potato casseroles!

    This sounds delish!

  5. Sounds DIVINE! I could eat this instead of pie! YUM!

  6. Yum! I love sweet potatoes. Sounds delicious.

    Thanks for sharing! I'm having a Thanksgiving linky party and would love to have you link up!


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