
Just a little Christmas....

 It's Thanksgiving week and Christmas is really just around the corner.  As a child and a teen, our family had Thanksgiving lunch, then we decorated the Christmas Tree.  It was pretty much an every year tradition, because our Grandparents were there and we all got in on the fun.  Perry Como and Gene Autry albums played music, while we hung silver tinsel strand by strand.  No tossing in clumps at our house!  Does anyone still use tinsel?

Today I made up a quick frugal Christmas wreath. Why yes, I do realize Thanksgiving is this week and I am 'breaking' the tradition rules of my Mother.  I hung the wreath.  Do the "You can't put that up before Thanksgiving police show up?" 

Months ago I had this monster of a framed picture that I didn't really like, but loved the frame.  So one day I took out the print and just hung the empty frame on the wall.  Wire showing.  It became quite the conversation item in my living room.  Why is that there?  Where is the picture?  I kept looking for something to add to it; another frame, mirror ...anything.  Nadda happened.  Until the burlap craze took over decor blogs.  Voila!

I still felt it was missing something .... until now.

Wreath - Dollar Tree
Christmas Balls - Dollar Tree
Burlap 'ribbon' and 2 berry picks (bought on 50% off)
Total, less than $5

Now I am thinking I like the idea of changing my frame focus to something different with each season.
I still want a cute oval mirror to hang in it too, but until then...

I'm loving this inexpensive Christmas addition.
What about you?  Come on you can tell.  Got some Christmas peeking out at your house yet?
Linking to:
Red Writing's 12 weeks of Christmas wreath party.  For other beautiful and creative holiday wreaths.
Make it Monday at Cottage Instincts, for anything you made!
Met Monday with Between Naps on the Porch, tons of made over projects.
DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land with wonderful DIY projects!


  1. The wreath in a frame is very pretty. You did a good job creating it!...Christine

  2. I love how you found a way to incorporate the burlap!

  3. Burlap...brings back Christmas memories from Switzerland. On Dec. 6th, Saint Nicholas Day, the little kids get a decorated burlap sack with nuts, clementines and chocolates.

  4. Very cute and inexpesive wreath, don't ya just love dollar tree?!!! Did you glue in the ornaments or wire them to the wreath?

  5. What a fabulous idea!! You could change it so many different ways!! Different designs for each season or holiday, or just different decorating themes...(maybe attach vintage postcards, or do a whole fleur de lis French treatment). Love it! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  6. A really pretty wreath and I love your idea if the frame being a changing backdrop!
    Jayne at mysongwithin

  7. Love it....especially because you used the webbing. I'm doing the same thing at my place! Thanks for linking up :)

  8. I ♥ the wreath within that gorgeous frame!

  9. genius idea - i'd change it out for each season or occasion too :D

  10. It turned out great. If you get tired of it, you could start painting the frame and changing out the fabric--nice!

  11. awesome use of the frame! And yeah for burlap! I think it makes breaking all the Thanksgiving/Christmas decor rules totally worth it!

  12. I am loving the burlap!! Great idea! Just visiting from Kimba's--I'll be back!


  13. Love how you used the picture frame........


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