
The Almost done Tablescape

My 22 year old police officer son came to dinner!
Such a treat for this mom as he lives on his own and is a little work-aholic.  On duty, off duty...very little play time.  Even though I JUST cooked up a Chicken Pot Pie on Sunday, I skipped today's menu plan and whipped up another for tonight along with a loaf of fresh banana bread.  Can you tell Chicken Pot Pie is a family favorite?

I left work a couple of hours early and got to work on dinner, cut the leaves grass, baked, washed dishes and tidied up the house.  I started pulling together a simple tablescape for tonight.  When my son showed up early.
Here is the beginnings of what was to be...

My GORGEOUS new pear placemats, from Dawn over at Cottage State of Mind's giveaway.
A centerpiece of Dollar Tree garland, a couple of GREEN (not sure why they appear purple) candles from Big Lots.  Tied a tad of ribbon around them then sat them on my 'new' metal do-lolly from a junk store for $2.50.  It previously looked like this:

A bit of black spray paint and it's looking spiffy now as a candle holder.

Added a little uncooked pop corn.  A new look!
For other transformation projects, head over to The Shabby Chic Cottage and Transformation Thursday.
Sometimes life tosses things in that interrupt plans, projects or day to day tasks.  I chose today not to worry about getting the table 'perfect'.  It was pretty and 'fancy' enough for our family and friends enjoying time together.  I did add another candle right before lighting them.
Years from now, my friends and kids won't remember how pretty the table, or if the silverware was placed or they just helped themselves from the drawer.  But they will remember the laughter and fun we had just being together.  And that is real life folks.

For a bunch of real and beautiful tablescape ideas head on over to Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday.  Susan is also having a week of great giveaways!


  1. It turned out lovely!
    Do-lolly...that's a technical term, isn't it? :)

    I like the use of the popcorn!

  2. You are SO right. I was doing one of my very first tablescapes when the UPS man rang the door bell with my daughter's wedding dress--didn't get that one quite right :) It really doesn't matter WHAT is on the table--just WHO is at the table :)

  3. Super nice and the best part is the guests !

  4. I love the candle holder that you sprayed black...I think you could use that so many ways, it is one of those things that you can never get tired of...

  5. I love do-lollies! They always add fun wherever they show up! Very warm and welcoming table -- how wonderful to raise your young man to be a police officer -- hard work and often thankless (until you need one!) Glad that you had a delightful evening.

  6. What a great tablescape. I love the candle centerpiece, and using the popcorn is genius. Everything looks lovely. Hugs, Marty

  7. Popcorn as the base is a cute idea and who cares if it is PERFECT since the company was PERFECT!

  8. Love your find that you put the candles on! I agree, the best part of a tablescape are the people around the table.

  9. What a beautiful table! I especially love how you used that popping corn :).

  10. How clever the use of the unpopped corn. When one of our adult kids share a meal with us, it is always a celebration- no matter how frequent.

  11. Your centerpiece turned out great. I totally agree about the table, it's the fun had together around the table making memories that counts. ~ Sarah

  12. I am loving what you have done with your centerpiece--cool ideas!

  13. How sweet of you to treat your son! I'm sure he loved it!


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