
Almost 100 !!!

A recent photo of moi, made by my wonderfully talented teen daughter!
Oh and NO I am NOT 100, but I am....
tickled pink that I have almost 100 followers?!  
Ya'll are the SWEETEST!

I also have 97 followers at Twitter.
Plus I am at 83 POSTS, this will be my 84th.  Almost 100 and there WILL be a celebration!
YES, that means a GIVEAWAY coming soon!!!


Please know how humbled and GRATEFUL I am that you have chosen to check out my little blog in the big ole bloggy world.  You are sincerely like new friends and bright shiny rays in my days.  I follow 190 blogs.  Just checked my list, which grows daily!  I'm finding 'new' bloggers at every turn with awesome homemade decor, makeovers, thriftiness, frugal savings, recipes and menu planning.  I am loving every bit of it!  Every morning, I fix myself a cup of coffee and catch up on as many new postings as I can before I have to pry myself from the computer to get ready for work.  I LOVE early quiet Saturday mornings where I can browse at my leisure.  Each of you share not only your ideas, but also your daily lives.  Some of you I've actually met in real life, most I am just getting to know you through your words and photos.

COMMENTS - Let me say this again, I visit my followers and most all on the blog parties I link up.  However, if you have the new drop down Google comment box for some reason I can NOT leave a comment!  If someone knows how to fix this, so I can comment, PLEASE let me know how.

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!  Bloggers are the BEST!  Remember to....


  1. Congrats Sherri!

    I am happy to follow along on your wonderful blog sweet lady.

    Have a blessed weekend.
    ~Melissa :)

  2. Congratulations Sherri!
    I am happy to be one of your fellow readers!
    The photo that your daughter took is are such a beautiful woman!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Girl, I know how you feel..I am almost at 100 myself...but, really haven't thought of doing anything....but, need too !
    Your self photo is great - I need my teenage daughter to take one of me !

  4. What a wonderful photo your daughter took. She is indeed talented. I know you are so proud of her.

  5. Such a great photo, and congratulations on your milestone. Hugs, Marty

  6. Holy cow, almost 100! Aren't you glad you came back? I sure am! Looking great in the new picture!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend, the weather in GA is gorgeous!!!


  7. Congratulations! You have a wonderful blog- keep at it.


  8. You look goygeous! And yay for hitting those milestones! Doesn't it feel good!?!

  9. That photo is lovely in light and composition - your daughter just might have uncovered a talent for photography!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~