
A featured Halloween Treat!

Happy Halloween!
Yes a few days early.
Here's a little something I put together ~

It's kinda BIG!  Oh my, does it make my face appear smaller?
Ha!  That's Great! *wink*  Trickery at is BEST.
Want to make your own quick and easy mask?  Here's the link for the pattern.
I just gathered up a few of my neglected scrapbook supplies

And a half price feather thingie from Hobby Lobby.
I'm all set!

Who is that masked Southern Belle?
Now for the TREATS!
I am very honored to have found a couple of my blog postings featured by fellow bloggers! 
My hall 'junk' decor was featured over at Design A-Peele!  Squeal!   Be sure to check out Beth's blog as she has always got a cute crafty project going on to share.

Design A-Peele

I also found myself over at Jane's spot....Finding Fabulous!  She featured my candle votive project from her Frugalicious Friday.  She is one DIY queen at cooking up makeover projects for just about any thing around the house.  Be sure to visit her blog for tons of great ideas.

Decor Mamma
 Happy Halloween Ya'll!


  1. Your mask is very cute! Happy Halloween to you, too! I hope you have candy leftover!

  2. That is too cute! Do they have a pattern to make a mask for one's hips to make them appear smaller??? :o)

  3. Small? Not at all. Love it! It would be great for a masquerade ball. Thanks for linking up at

  4. Love your Halloween mask! Thanks for sharing and linkin' up again to Frugalicious Friday!

    Jane @ Finding Fabulous


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