
Sunday Musings and Menus

Life is Good!

My four days off are coming to an end.  This morning, I made my cup of coffee in my favorite mug and surfed several blogs.  What is UP with Blogger?!  I can't seem to leave comments on certain blogs.  Where you have to 'select' the profile from the drop down box.  My comment just disappears into cyberspace!  VERY frustrating.

While I am ranting ...HA!  it seems everything in my house has sprung a leak.  First it was the washer, now it's the dishwasher!  Ok, so maybe everything is a little over dramatic.  Gimme a break!  I need to find a plumber.  Friendly, cheap, on time, efficient ...did I mention inexpensive?

I keep sipping from my cup and reminding myself "Life IS Good!".  I had four days off from my job; which I happen to enjoy going to every day and am thankful to have in this current economy.  Friday, I finished up a long OVERDUE project that really just needed a few finishing touches.  My kitchen makeover reveal post will be tomorrow!  Saturday morning, despite rain showers, I headed out to a community yard sale and found a few great items.  One, I will share tomorrow also! 

Yesterday afternoon my 74 year old spry Mom called.  She said she had a huge bowl of Banana Pudding!  Weeks ago, when I celebrated my birthday; I mentioned to Mom that I should have asked her for banana pudding as my 'gift'.  She purchased me a nice pair of dress slacks for work; which I needed.  It's so sweet that she remembered and made one of my favorite desserts!  Teen daughter and I headed over to Mom's for beef stew and pudding.  Mom even sent me home with the leftovers (which I ate banana pudding for breakfast today).  Don't tell my Mom!

This morning, I also menu planned for the week.  I did this years ago when the kids were younger and involved in tons of activities.  Running from a full time job to soccer, baseball, swim team, dance, karate and band practice made for craziness!  No they weren't involved in all of those at once, I'd be BALD ...not gray! Plus I hate hearing, "What's for dinner?".  Seriously???!!! Ya think I thought about that all day?  Oh wait, as the only adult in the house ....dinner kinda is my 'job' too.  It's a lot easier when the list is on the fridge.  I don't have to think about it and the kids can check the menu.  Now, it's just teen daughter and I home my nest is partially empty.  My son is almost 23 and a work-a-holic police officer in a nearby town.  He's been on his own for over a year.  Self supporting and doing well.  Life is good!  PLUS ~ the planning for this weeks meals saved me about $50 off my 'regular' once a week grocery shopping! 

So what are we having for dinner this week?
Salmon Patties, mashed potatoes, english peas and biscuits
Cheese Quesadillas, yellow rice and black beans
Baked loaded potatoes and baked apples
Panini sandwiches with chips and pickle slices
Chicken and Dumplings (the easy ones, using egg noodles!)
Open (could be leftovers, soup, dinner out or scavenge in the kitchen)
Vegetable Soup/sandwiches 

Do you menu plan????  What are some of your families favorite inexpensive meals????  I always love hearing others menus and getting new ideas for ours!  I linked up for Laura's Menu Planning, because I NEED the ideas!  She has over 400 people participating if YOU need menu ideas ...check it out! 

Be sure to drop in tomorrow for my kitchen reveal on the Met Monday blog party and a yard sale find, that is my new Thrifty Treasure!


  1. Someone just told me today how good baked apples are. Also, a Baked potatoe sounds so good right now :)

  2. Very nice plan. Thanks for sharing. Come share your slow cooker recipes at Crock Pot Wednesday hosted by I would love to see you there. Thanks for posting.


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