
Dinner and a Movie Frugal Style

Gotta love Redbox movie rentals.  $1 per movie!  Just released today, "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" with Jennifer Garner and Matthew McConaughey.

Uh huh, that is me and Mr. Handsome himself.  In wax.  Him not me. He looks real though doesn't he?  While in Vegas this summer my daughter's pick for 'night out' was a visit to Madame Tussauds.  Got coupons, 2 for 1 entry.  Deal!  It was a little more fun than I expected.  Teen daughter sent phone pics to her friends back home of her 'star' sightings.  Cute.

We both enjoyed the movie.  Matthew's character makes it maybe not a total chick flick.  Dinner and a movie tonight for two...less than $7. 

I'm sticking with my menu plan!  Teen daughter loved the loaded baked potatoes and baked apples.  I admit, so did I.  We even have a bit of leftover apples to add to tomorrow nights Panini sandwich meal.  Yummy!

No rain here today. Thankfully lots of sunshine. School for my daughter resumes tomorrow.  The county school system is still out, as many roads throughout the county are still under water or damaged.  My police officer son is working again tonight (his off night) due to the flooding in that area. 


  1. We haven't used Redbox yet, but I'm sure over the long winter we will do so. I wish you the best with all that water!

  2. Wow- love the pic of you and Matthew :)

  3. Oh my gosh! You had me there for a second! He is such a cutie~

  4. What a deal!! I may have to check that movie out, I thought it looked pretty cute!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!! :)

  5. Sounds like a great night. That wasn't my favorite movie, but it was a good date night movie nonetheless.

  6. Ooooh! I have a couple of free Red Box coupons that I haven't used yet. Maybe I'll walk down there this weekend and check out that movie--I've been wanting to see it.

  7. Well, you surprised me! Love that pic! Linda

  8. Sherri,

    The wax Matthew really does look real!! I have always wanted to go to one of those museums. We go to Vegas next month and I am going to try to get tickets. It looks like a ton of fun!! I'll have to see the movie!

    Do you have any great apple recipes?? We are going to some orchards in Michigan over the next few weeks and I am a useless baker, Help!!

    Have a lovely weekend, Sherri!!

    P.S. Sorry about your lousy weather...

  9. Ha! I almost thought that was him! :) Just stopping by to say hi and thanks for following my blog!

  10. Hi Sheri...We love the's going to put Blockbuster right out of business...I love how you can check online...order a movie.then just go pick it up and have it waiting for you....and we haven't forgotten to take any back so far...You got some great flood pictures...I got nervous yesterday when the rains started again but today it is gorgeous outside....and my newly seeded lawn should start sprouting anyday and no additional money going to the Cobb water department!

  11. You guys make such a cute couple! I love using redbox!


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