
Blue Monday and Vacation....

I am on vacation this week!!! No I am not at the beach. I sure wish I was! This photo was taken by my daughter last year on her vacation with her father. Oh how nice on this very COLD March morn to be sitting right there! This vacation is from my job, however it will include several projects planned at home. The major one being a kitchen makeover. So it is a 'working' vacation. I have had the same tired old wallpaper chair rail in my kitchen since I purchased this house almost 14 years ago! Now that the kids are finally older, I am finally rearranging the house, painting and updating a bit ...all of course on a budget!

A bit of FUN will be included as I am traveling to the big city in a bit to meet a bunch of Georgia bloggers for lunch! As a 'renewed' blogger, this is such a treat to come face to face with these ladies. Nothing like food, sweet tea and lots of conversation!

A quick Blue Monday photo for today. This is a house in a tiny town just ten miles down the road from me. I was out Saturday to visit an antique store Olive Rue had told me about at coffee Thursday night. This house sets across the street from the line of store fronts. I have a love of blue houses and this old one with it's yellow and blue is adorable. Love the large porch!
If you would like to see more Blues then check out Sally's blog , the hostess of Blue Monday and all the wonderful blues from around blog land. Or you can click my side bar on the Blue Monday icon.

One last side note .... you know the saying; If it can happen it will happen. Remember when my washing machine acted up earlier in the week? Well last night I put in three of my sweaters to wash, so I would have something warm to wear at today's luncheon. When I checked back later to hang them...there they sat in water. Ugh! The washer will not spin, will not pump, will not move. I am so not handy when it comes to machinery. Hopefully I can find a repairman to stop by and tell me if it can be fixed or if I will be shopping for a new one. NOT in the budget! But thankfully there is a little rainy day fund. (or was it just a snowy day fund?).


  1. I do like that blue and yellow house; the colors are so soft. I do hope that you enjoy your blogger lunch, and maybe even take some Blue Monday pictures! Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

  2. Hi Sherri :)

    That house is darling! I love looking at houses when we go on road trips :)

    I'm sorry about your washer. I've been there too many times to count.

    Thank you so much for your sweet comment about my dining room :)


  3. What a wonderful house! I hope you have a great vacation from your job!

  4. Morning, Sherri! what a precious little house! I love the turrent! Have so much fun withh the blog ladies! I'm jealous! I wanna come too!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  5. That house is so cute!

  6. That is a precious house. I wonder what the inside looks like? Beautiful! Happy Blue Monday!

  7. Jan did a lovely job on you blog!

  8. Sherri,

    The yellow & blue house is gorgeous! I also love a house surrounded by hedges!

    I had the exact same problem with my washer a few weeks ago. It was the little button that goes up and down when you close the lid and it did need to be replaced. I fiddled with it a few times and it did work, by re~setting the cycle and letting the lid fall on that button thingy... I have a Kenmore & I think my charge was $120.00.

    Hope you have fun at the lunch today!!


  9. Oh dear - you have double blues...a pretty blue house and "washday blues"! Lunch with GA bloggers? Sounds like so much fun. :Nancy

  10. This is a beautiful home! Wow!
    It was very nice to meet you at La Mad today for lunch!

  11. It was so nice to meet you too!!! I wish we'd had longer to visit but it was great to put some faces with some favorite blogs. Speaking of blogs - I love yours!!! I am a first time visitor and its wonderful to discover new treasures in the south. Count me in as a follower.

  12. Hi Sherri, it is nice to meet you.. I live in Georgia too!! It is so much fun to meet other bloggers in person.We had a blogger's babe get together two years ago here in Savannah..Eight women met here from Florida, Virginia, Maryland and Tennessee.. we had a blast and felt like sisters!!!Your blog is so charming.. I will be back to read and get to know you.. Baba

  13. Wow Sherri! Your blog is so darn cute! I have got to get busy on mine. Sure wish I could have made it to the luncheon today. I live about 30 minutes from where you were meeting! Hope you all had a blast! Can't wait to see your makeover! Hurry and finish, girl!

  14. Oooh, have fun with that kitchen project, I'll be looking forward to pictures!
    Hope your washer gets better!

  15. That is a lovely house! Really nice meeting you today at La Madeleine. Hopefully we will all do this again before too long. Linda

  16. Hello have a beautiful blog! I just finished removing wallpaper in my kitchen a few weeks ago..not a pretty site! lol Hope you get your washer fixed...ain't it funny how when one of our modern appliances goes out it throws us back into the stone age! lol

    Thanks so much for coming by and for the sweet comment...enjoy your 'vacation'!

  17. I don't remember seeing this one. But It's gorgeous! Glad you could make it out to Checker Berry.

  18. Hi Sherri! I had so much fun today! I did make it home somehow without getting lost!! lol We absolutely will havae to get together again! Hugs...Debbie


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~