
Vintage Valentines

Tonight while searching for some vintage postcards, I came across a collection of vintage Valentine's that I purchased several years ago at an antique place. These are my favorites, so I thought I would share them with you (you can click on the photo to see them closer). Two posts in one day! Out of me that is amazing. So answer my question in a comment.... I'd love to know!

What are YOU doing for Valentines????

I'm not much on all the hoopla. So what am I going to be doing????? I am going to do something I LOVE! I am visiting the Scott's Antique Market in Atlanta for the first time and doing it on Valentines Day. I am so excited!!!! The weatherman is calling for rain in the early morning, but after that, clearing into a beautiful day. I plan to take a camera, but doubt I can con my daughter into borrowing hers as she has plans with her boyfriend and will want to make photos herself. My little digi is a hand-me-down of hers. So I don't know if I can promise good pictures. I will try! Because I LOVE sharing the beautiful items I lust for ...yes I said lust.... and hopefully I can find a few bargain items to bring home as well. I am keeping myself to a budget amount to spend AND I am also going with a wish list.

If you've been to Scott's before or any HUGE antique market ... give me your best pointers! And drop a comment of what your V-day plans include.


  1. My neighbor has lived in Atlanta and she's always telling me about the wonderful markets -- I;ve only visited but I love Atlanta and I think you're going to have a wonderful time! What a great way to spend the day!

  2. ohh, that sounds like a perfect way to spend the day, if you ask me! :) I LOVE to go flea-ing, and have found that everyone has a unique junkin' style. I usually skim a booth and only go for a closer look if something catches my eye. If you're in a decent booth, dig around, cause some things are covered up by other things or hiding in boxes. If you're silently contemplating an item, sometimes the booth owner will give you a lower price to "get the sale", but always smile and ask "is this your best price" or "could you do a better price for me?", but smile politely! Most of the time they will! Have fun, and stick to your budget!! :)

  3. Ooo antique shopping for Valentine's sounds perfect to me! Hope you find some good stuff ;)

    Thanks for Following me - you made me an even 40 YAY!

  4. Sounds like a perfect day!! Good for you!! When going to a huge sale, I dig!! In my mind, if it's buried, they don't think they'll get as much for it.....and the best treasures are always buried!

    We don't get into the hoopla here either... maybe I can talk toolman into a junkin' day -- we'll have to travel, nothing in this town!

  5. Ooh, have fun! I'm jealous. Just chores for me tomorrow. We did celebrate early by going to see Avenue Q and having a nice dinner.


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