
A Spring Makeover!

Sometimes it is the little things. A new blouse, a change in hair styles, moving items around in our homes to create a different little look that just makes us smile and SHINE! Notice the difference here? Today, my new SHINE is a spring blog makeover!

Much appreciation and gratitude to Jan & Tom, the husband and wife team of Rose Haven for sharing their time and talent, with a beautiful new springy blog! Every week they post a new blog makeover as a give away. I was thrilled to find out yesterday that I won blog makeover #5 ! Week 6 is up now, so head on over to their blog to enter if you would like a pretty new makeover too.

While out and about in town Saturday, my daughter and I saw this:

We slowed down and my daughter snapped the photo from the car window, all the while we are laughing about how funny we must have appeared to the 'chicken'!

Then my daughter and I headed over to a baby shower for a friend of hers. They have known each other since attending the same daycare together and throughout their school years. The shower was held at her grandmother's home which was any designers thrill! Elegant and beautiful.

They know the baby is a girl, little Miss Emma is expected to make her debut in about 20 days.

After the shower, my daughter and I stopped by Hobby Lobby to drop off an art piece that I have had for many years. A watercolor of a local round barn (and you should know by now, I LOVE old barns!) I am having it matted to place in my 'junk' store find of a beautiful old wooden frame. It won't be ready for a few weeks, but I can't wait to share it!

Hobby Lobby had their floral items on 50% off this week. So I picked up a couple of things to add a touch of spring to the house. I wanted something for my wall window in the living room. Found a vine on clearance for 59 cents! And a dogwood 'branch' for half off. So for about $2, my window now has a new spring makeover too.

What spring touches have you added to your home? Leave me a comment and I will stop by your blogs to check them out! I enjoy seeing others home decor ideas!


  1. What a pretty, Springy blog! Love the make-over. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I must say, beaded board can cover a multitude of sins! :)

  2. Hi Sherri...

    I'm glad you are enjoying your new BLOG DRESS! I am in Michigan...southeast the Eastern time zone, same as you...and I was up LATE lastnight!! LOL!! But, I usually am!!!

    Have a great weekend...


  3. I'm all too excited for spring!! I can't wait. I just can't! Your post has me even more anxious! :)

    Thanks so much for coming by my blog and for your super sweet comments. They meants so much to me. I'm definatly adding myself as a follower of your blog. I've just quickly scrolled through and saw some of the awesome projects you have done. Now I'm off to go read some more posts! -Mandi

  4. I love your touches of spring! It has been snowing here today, so I'll take all the "touches" I can get!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower! I hope you come back soon and often!

  5. Just wanted to drop in and say Hello and thank you for visiting my blog.
    The springy look of your blog is really cute.

  6. I love your new blog look! Lucky you!

    I can't do Spring yet...too cold...maybe I should anyway...


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~