
Shopping at Scott's Antique Market

I decided since this is a conversational item and it has BLUE on it (also my favorite color, which I am wearing in the photos- HA) that I would participate in Sally's Blue Monday carnival for the first time! Hopefully all my fellow junk hunters and the blue gals will enjoy one of my finds at the market ~

Saturday greeting me and my antique shopping gal, Kelli with a misty rain and cooler temps. It did not dampen my excitement about visiting Scott's Antique Market in Atlanta for the first time! Kelli cooked us up a wonderful breakfast and then we headed out to the market. It was already crowded when we arrived around 11:00 am. I had a list of items I hoped to find.

Forgive the blurry not so great photos shot with my hand-me-down digital camera. My daughter has the 'better' of the camera's and of course, wanted to take hers for Valentine photos with her boyfriend!
I dressed for a long day and to shop! Tennis shoes ~ check! A smaller purse that left my hands free to look and dig ~ check! Pen and paper for notes ~ check! Most important in my book; a cash only budget in my pocket.

I did find three items. The first I purchased were three old keys. The dealer even cut me a 'deal' from his listed price. I spotted a small table in the North building, but just jotted down the info on the back of the dealer's business card. We headed over to the South building by shuttle bus.

I found some items on my list, but none at the deal I had hoped. Kelli stopped to admire some old pottery and I sauntered on down to the next set up. I spotted this neat looking wood piece thinking it would make an awesome headboard. I was pointing it out to her when the dealer started chatting he had another one like it. He pulled it out and set them side by side. I stood and looked....and stood ....and stood there! I really liked the unique nature and was tossing around the possibilities. It was WAY more than I wanted to spend. So I asked the dealer....did he know where it originated. Yes, it was paneling from an old house in Brazil. They had made some furniture out of it and these two pieces were 'extras', put together. The wood is thick and heavy, not like paneling at all! But what do I know about 'paneling' in Brazil? Nadda!

He finally said to make him an offer. Oh geez, I hate when they do that! Finally I settled on an offer, which was just slightly more than HALF of his asking price. He took it! And I carried this honking huge heavy wood around!

See the lighter pieces? I plan to put something in there, as they are not part of the original 'paneling'. Paint them? Tile them? Any suggestions? Would look nice on a wall with photos in them?

Oh and remember we rode the bus over! So I hauled this back over to the North building on the bus.

I did go back to the booth with the table, it was still there ~ so it came home with me. It is a small, unique and interesting find. Hopefully tomorrow I can get my daughter to make photos to share of it with her camera.
I am still deciding where I want to use this wood 'art'. On a wall? As a headboard? Finally I cleaned out a 'clutter' corner in my living room between the couch and my entertainment center. This is where I have placed it. I am thrilled that this one item has so much potential to be moved around the house and used in different forms.

So give me your ideas, suggestions! I'd love to hear them!


  1. Hi Sherri...Yes, I've been to Scott's! It's a real treat, isn't it? I couldn't afford the things I really loved...:-( You are so lucky to actually bring something home!!...Debbie

  2. See? It's all about making an offer!! Things are priced to get an glad you had a great day!! It must be huge, to have a shuttle bus!

    Sherri, I love that piece of architecture!! I would leave it alone, keep the chippy paints. And because I'm all about displaying photos, maybe some pics in those 3 light areas (sepia tone or b/w maybe? it's hard to tell the true tones in the piece in a photo)........ no matter what you do with it, it's a great piece!!

    Can't wait to see the table!

  3. Leave it

    I'd hang it (bolt it to the wall) above a sofa o bed lengthwise.... (I think)

  4. I peeked and saw your BLUE couch! I wish that I could offer advice, but I'm not good at this type of thing. Thanks for sharing. Happy 1st Blue Monday.

  5. I love antiquing...the thrill of the hunt, the joy of the find! It looks like you had a wonderful time!!

  6. Neat piece! I like it like it is without anything in it, but you could use it for photographs. I just think it makes a nice piece on its own, though. Good find!

    Happy Blue Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  7. Love that architectural salvage piece, Sherri, and I like it there but you can also hang it on the wall when you get tired of looking at it versatile and unique....Christine

  8. After you left that intriguing comment on my shopping post I had to jet over here and check out your blog! Its fun over here! My 2 cents on your wood panel is it looks like art to me. You could hang it horizontally, and add a shelf directly under it... Lean a small framed mirror against it with a pretty vase of dried grasses and perhaps a pretty shell or something... Voila! Art!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and it was a really fun shopping post!

    *Really Rainey

  9. I love the piece but am not sure how I would use it - maybe with some primitives on my front porch. Happy Blue Monday.

  10. Very nice! Thanks for sharing with us! Happy Monday!

  11. I've no idea how to use your new piece of art, however I'm lovin' those white shutters you showed in one of your other posts!

    Thanks for stopping to see me and Happy Blue Monday ☺

  12. It will be beautiful, no matter which option you choose..It's lovely. Happy Blue Monday..and have a wonerful week. xx

  13. Nice find. I have seen some neat head boards made from doors. Be sure and share what you do with it...even while it travels around the house looking for its home.
    Happy Monday, Candy

  14. You and your daughter found a great way to pass the day. It sounds like you had great fun together.
    I wonder what you could do with that piece of wood? Hmmmmm...I'll have to think about it because it really is a nice piece...yes perhaps pictures in some way. I'll have to see what others suggest too.

    have a great day today!

  15. I am really looking forward to seeing what you will do with that handsome piece of wood! :o)
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  16. Happy Blue Monday--what a fun day you had, great finds too!

  17. It sounds like you had quite the adventure shopping this past weekend. I have no decorating sense so I can't help with suggestions. I'm sure you'll find the perfect thing to do with them.

    take care,

  18. What a pleasure it is to meet you. It appears as though you had a super time.. what "great" finds.. I'll be anxious to see what you come up with.. hugs ~lynne~

  19. Oh I love to go on "treasure hunts" too! Sounds like you had lots of fun!

  20. Hi Sherri,
    Thanks for your visit today. I think this is my first time to find you!

    I've always heard of the Scott's Antique Market, and wanted to go. Looks like you found some really neat things.

    I would love for you to link to my new Tuesday event-2nd Time Around on Tuesday!

    It's always fun to meet new bloggers with the same interests!


  21. Oh you must be a GA gal? Are you coming to the 03-02-09 luncheon? Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you have a great week!

  22. Hey Sherri, thanks for stopping by my blog! Sometimes I miss doing Scotts! We did the Old Lakewood for 5 years, until it closed it's doors! After Lakewood closed we set up outside the North building at Scotts for a few months, stopped coming for a few months then set up over at the South side, outside! We never could seem to build a customer base. The people that shopped with us at the old Lakewood wouldn't come over to Scotts. Then we tried the Lakewood 400 it was ok! Their are better deals to be found there, have you ever been? Anyway with the saging economy my husband took a real job now we are grounded, except the Texas show! That is twice a year and it's coming up in about 6 weeks, I can't wait! I will add you to my blog list!

  23. Coolio find! There are soooo many possibilities for that. I'm jealous of your trip!


Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog! I appreciate and read every comment. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! ~Sherri~